Extreme Couponing

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
where the fuck do they get all the coupons and how do they use them?
because arnt coupons like you cant use it with other deals.
so how do they spend like 50 dollars or less on 300 dollars worth of groceries
i wanna learn this!


Pickle Queen
They must find store that allow them to use multiple coupons for the same item, they get them from other people who collect and exchange coupons, or they sell them lol
I admit to using them if i get ones i think are good, but these people are just another breed of hoarded, like really someone please explain what a gay teenager will do with a dozens of packages of maxi pads, honestly i like to change up the items or brands i use, variety is fun, these people scare me lol well a few do it for charity and what not, that i respect very much, but hoarding mass amounts of personal hygiene items seems kinda OCD to me lol


Well-Known Member
My wife was just talking to me about this the other day. I don't think the time and energy spent collecting coupons weighs out to the cost savings. At least not for my family.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah guys i always use coupons for what i normaly buy to save a little i probably would go crazy tho if i figured out how to everything free i would get as much as i could haha maybe donate it or something.

my dad always buys so fucking many shampoos and soap and personal hygeine shit thats all he spends coupons on tho its weird haha


Pickle Queen
My wife was just talking to me about this the other day. I don't think the time and energy spent collecting coupons ways out to the cost savings. At least not for my family.
Ya they claim to spend minimum 20 hours a week clipping and what not, but most say it's more like 40 hours, with help from their children or relatives ;)
And most of the crap they hoard is chips, pop, TP, paper towel, deodorant, body wash and shampoo/conditioner (not the good brands either lol) and stupid salad dressing lmfao, i just don't get it ??? Using half a dozen feels weird and ghetto like when i do it lol damn i just wanna see one episode that shows them fail hahaha, like half the coupons are expired or the manufacturer is out of business lol


bud bootlegger
They must find store that allow them to use multiple coupons for the same item, they get them from other people who collect and exchange coupons, or they sell them lol
I admit to using them if i get ones i think are good, but these people are just another breed of hoarded, like really someone please explain what a gay teenager will do with a dozens of packages of maxi pads, honestly i like to change up the items or brands i use, variety is fun, these people scare me lol well a few do it for charity and what not, that i respect very much, but hoarding mass amounts of personal hygiene items seems kinda OCD to me lol
lmao.. you must have watched the same episode i did the other day with that gay latin teen who got like 40 packs or tp, 15 40 pound boxes of kittty litter and shit..
to me it seems like half of the shit that they get i would never get that product.. just cuz it's free, don't mean you need it imo..
and that dude did almost fail at the cash register as one of his coupons wasn't scanning in or some shit, but the manager got it all figured out for him..
i guess i could see the point if say you sold the shit at a flea market or something along those lines, but it seems to me that they all just end up stocking it sky high in either the garage or down in the basement for years and years..
and i agree, most of these people seem to be suffering from some major ocd to say the least..


Ursus marijanus
The title of this thread makes me think of X-Games for the nursing home set.

Mobility-chair demolition derby
Laxative enduro
Oxygen tank races
Shower sill vaulting
Unlimited Dialysis Champions
Wheel of Alzheimer's

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Newspapers sell their excess coupons. Some stores allow you to use manufacturers coupons first then allow you to use the store coupons. If used right they pay you to take stuff out of the store.

My niece is into this and she has it down to an art. Last time out she paid $70 for $300 worth of food. She doesn't clear the shelves when she shops she leaves items behind for others. Nothing bugs me more than going to the store and someone has cleared the shelf.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i got a phone call a the end of the summer from a friend who was spreading the word that there was some crazy yard sale. apparently some chick went nuts with the extreme couponing and had shitloads of stuff she was selling for a buck. toothpaste and ben gay and makeup and shit like that. i didn't go but they said she made over 400 bucks that day and then the following sunday she set up at the flea market and made another 1000 or so. i have no idea how much time and effort she put in so i can't say if it was worth it. she basically got everything for free.

i remember working at a supermarket in the late 90's and would half shit myself when people would have 3 carts chained together and it would come to 700 bucks and then they would break out this massive stack of coupons that i had to scan for a half hour and they ended up paying 50 bucks when it was over.

you have to wonder what one does with 15 boxes of cheerios or 6 dozen rolls of toilet paper. it defeats the purpose if it doesn't get used.


Well-Known Member
its hoarding, only more organized and accepted and marginally more useful than hoarding.
this one chick used it to feed her, and her 5 foster kids, and the nieghborhood kids who came to play, and the food bank


Active Member
They have this book full of cupons that cost like $25 but it'll save you a lot more then that some highschool kids were going door to door selling it around here . I don't like cupons though I would probably just lose the damn book .


Well-Known Member
You know what I hate about extreme couponing? They never factor in how much gas you're blowing driving around to all these stores to be able to get $0.10 off panty liners or whatever, and they don't factor in how many hours it takes to get the coupons, and get to the stores, and get anything done.

I'm sorry, I'll pay the extra $0.10 on the item I want, when I want and/or need it. Sure, over the course of my life I might spend a few hundred more than you, but I also wasn't known as that weird guy who took 2 days out of his week to coupon and shop like a freak.


Well-Known Member
I feel too guilty to use coupons. I might use the McDonald's ones off of my bus ticket now and then. I know they have a big enough profit margin otherwise they wouldn't do coupons but I still feel wrong and that I'm taking advantage no matter how broke I am at the time.

Multiple coupons used in conjunction? Can't do it.


bud bootlegger
I feel too guilty to use coupons. I might use the McDonald's ones off of my bus ticket now and then. I know they have a big enough profit margin otherwise they wouldn't do coupons but I still feel wrong and that I'm taking advantage no matter how broke I am at the time.

Multiple coupons used in conjunction? Can't do it.
really kuroi?? not to say me moms was nutso like some of these people on that show are, but when i was a kid and she had six mouths to feed and me old man didn't bring home bank each week, she's use a few coupons at a time to save idk, $20 or so off a $200 order..
imo, they charge you wayyy more then what it cost to manufacture the products, other wise they surely wouldn't be offering coupons on the items to begin with..
i'll use a coupon now and again, matter of fact, just got a free poppa johns pizza thursday night with a coupon that we bought from one of those books one of my nephews was selling for school or some shit..

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
really kuroi?? not to say me moms was nutso like some of these people on that show are, but when i was a kid and she had six mouths to feed and me old man didn't bring home bank each week, she's use a few coupons at a time to save idk, $20 or so off a $200 order..
imo, they charge you wayyy more then what it cost to manufacture the products, other wise they surely wouldn't be offering coupons on the items to begin with..
i'll use a coupon now and again, matter of fact, just got a free poppa johns pizza thursday night with a coupon that we bought from one of those books one of my nephews was selling for school or some shit..
yeah man using coupons isnt bad. all the big businesses are charging way to much, so why not get some money off of it. i only save about 10 dollars each week with coupons but hey its ten more dollars i can spend save that 520 dollars a year


Well-Known Member
Back in the mid 80's me and my best friend had our version of extreme couponing.We got jobs delivering at Pizza Hut. His full time job was at a printing company that made newspaper flyers for everything including PH. He would snag stacks of coupons, split them up between us, and we woud add them to nearly every order we delivered, and pocket the difference, averaging what, $3 per delivery? That was some serious coin back then, specially on weekends when we would do like 200+ deleiveries between us. This went on for like six months until one night I get bsack from a delivery run and there's this new lady standing in the back by the drivers corner. She takes my receipts, payments and coupons and about fve minutes later calls me into the managers office. I had gotten lazy and had torn all the coupons off the flyers out at once, and she was holding about ten of them, all torn identically, right in my face and started yelling at me. Me and my buddy were fired that night, and we heard later that Pizza Hut instituted a new policy about not accepting coupons that weren't mentioned when ordering.

Changing the world, baby!


Well-Known Member
This thread made me watch this show- The show sucks these people are freaks but it inspired me, i'm going to do this- Where do I get good cupons? I'll let you guys know how I do at it and if the stores try hateing


Well-Known Member
I found sales for free flood lights and spark plugs and ac adapters but their after mail in rebate- do I need different reciepts to mail them? Is it worth it? How long does it take to get your rebate?