Extreme Defoliation...

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Generally is not specific...

And this is just stupid. All growth is stress, cell division is stress , phototropic response is stress... LST, topping, supper cropping all stress responses...you sound moronic when I see you Cherry pick moronic things and being a UB moron protégé makes a lot of sense right now, fuck that racist and anyone who supports him.

Yall can just want my grow, I show up...where's yalls

you get more and more annoying the more of your useless dribble I fucking read. Nobody wants your bosses grow. Nobody is envious of you.
how do you determine which 4 to remove then? can you post a pic with the leaves you are talking about circled? i'm still not picturing in my head what exactly you are doing.
It's just main stem stuff...i found just the top 2 dont really send a bunch of movement thru plant...4 or 6 on mainstem does the trick.
Here is 2 cherry rainbows in 5g buckets (background, only pic i got)
Both sativas dom. One on the left i did the 4 fan leaf thing, no topping but you can see definite height differences...cuz i removed those top 4 leaves.
so it seems like in nature, plants grow in a christmas tree shape. why do indoor growers change that? to me it seems like we are trying to make up for a loss of light on the sides and bottoms of plants where in nature, sunlight provides that from top to bottom.
you want lots of main shoots on a single plant, problem is 8 main shoots on a plant is going to have 8 times the fan leaves in the same space, just not going to give you the best results, you need to thin it out one way or another.
I believe defoliation works about the same across the board. I think topping techniques are more cultivar sensitive. That said, I apply the same techniques to all of my plants.
I take this back. There's a possibility that indica and sativa leaners respond differently. This could have influenced yields that I wrote off as genetics. I have no idea though, I'm just speculating.
Just to add another facet of debate to this, since no one's mentioned it yet..

What about cotton? Defoliation is standard in the cotton industry, for increasing both quality and quantity of cotton flowers. Sure, it's a different crop, and a different defoliation technique, but cotton is also a flower not a berry.
Removing side shoots is a common practice with taller varieties of tomato.

From the link...
Continued care involves pinching off the suckers that pop up when growing cherry tomatoes. Look at where the branches meet the stalk and form a “V.” Removing the small suckers at these junctions and at the bottom of the main stalk will let your plant to use more of its energy to make fruit.
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