Extreme Defoliation...

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Mostly from analyzing combat sport psychology. I grow weed and analyze combat sport psychology. That's why I like this forum. Lots of skullduggery.

Wouldnt it be a greater troll to convicne some moron hes on your radar... and then get them to react to the point where they create a rich interwoven fantasies about my life, what i do, how i do... criticing grading judgung ... goes into my threads stalks me, stalks the places i interact...

They dont defol...why are they here

No one would do that
Now you want me to spoon feed you...na not my foreplay today.

You seem to believe you have more of a grasp on it than me, you should know...
Spoon fed? I asked how you corrected your issue. LMAO.

It's obvious you haven't as the K deficiency damage has progressed not halted.

But you're growing buds not leaves, right?
Deficient plants grow the best bud right? My bad. Buds the size of a quarter. Boss is going to be so happy with that finished product. Back to sweeping floors.
Spoon fed? I asked how you corrected your issue. LMAO.

It's obvious you haven't as the K deficiency damage has progressed not halted.

But you're growing buds not leaves, right?
Deficient plants grow the best bud right? My bad. Buds the size of a quarter. Boss is going to be so happy with that finished product. Back to sweeping floors.

Like watching a child imitate their mothers tone and words but with a little cute voice and haircut.

You are adorable 2835 in your attempts to.flex that noodle.

K dmg doesnt go away... ive said this twice

The logic fumble here is he sees something that is a sign of dmg.from weeks ago assumes correction means the visible dmg goes away. Some nutrients will some wont. Can 2835 guess which type of nutrient doesnt...mobile or non mobile
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Like warching a chile innitate their mothers tone and words but with a little cute voice and haircut.

You are adorable 2835 in your attempts to.flex that noodle.

K dmg doesnt go away... ive said this twice
I guess you have as hard of a time with reading comprehension as typing.

I didn't say K damage goes away.
"It's obvious you haven't as the K deficiency damage has progressed not halted."
I said halted as in stopped, not reversed.
Lile watching me attempt to write but we in a discussiom about abiotic and biotic dmg... whats your thoughts in that
No thoughts at all man I’m still struggling with what the fuck N-P-K means.

edit: I’m not even trying to be funny for once I don’t even know what biotic and abiotic mean. I am still learning. But I do know I’ve grown plants that looked a lot nicer then your pics above so there’s definitely something wrong if your the “pro”.
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