Extreme 'Newbie' Please help!!

Okay, so I purchased seeds online from a site that had CRAZY good prices, I don't know how this forum is about posting site names so if you want to know, just ask... Anyway, So I did my research AFTER I bought the seeds and saw that people had nothing but crap to say about them. So, I e-mailed the guy and told him what I'd read and asked if he sent me shit, could I get my money back? Well, I had no issues with this particular site, got my stuff from the UK in about 7 days, im in the U.S...
SO now to my issue... since I read everywhere that people bought the same package I did, 56 seeds- ww,HG, and something else- for $60 and when germinating them, only about 10 out of the 56 even germinated I decided not to waste my time and put 50 of the seeds up to germinate (used reg. tap water for 30 of them and bottled water for the other 20-put in between wet paper towel on a plate and covered w/ another plate and put in my closet) Well, i checked them last night and only 3 had begun to sprout, so I added more water to the remaining, thinking I was just pissing in the ocean and put them back to sit a lil while longer... SO I'm outside sawing away (attempting to make a grow box for myself) and i remember my seeds..well I check those mother fuckers and 30 of them have begun to fucking sprout....30!!! I feel like I just found out I'm having fucking octuplets... or...tridectets? i dunno..anyway, Im about to start potting them in cups and Im running into a problem...I hear its good to have a humidity cover...someone said I could just use plastic wrap over the cups themselves...well... if i was to get a big bucket, put all my cups in there and cover it with seran wrap, do you think I'd be doing my babies a disservice? I really want these plants to flourish and im feeling kind of overwhelmed right now...is a humidity cover really necessary? Sorry about the great big story....I'm verbose by nature and can't help it... but I could really use some advice...:wall:


bud bootlegger
i don't think you really need the cover for them.. that is mostly used for rooting clones... just put them under your lamp and keep the soil moist, not soaking wet, but moist, and within a week or less, you should have seedlings coming through the soil.. you can either leave the light on for 24/7 or 18/6 for seedling/ veg stage with no problems..
that is a ton of seeds you have sprouting now, and i wish you luck..


Active Member
Verbose - huh?
Entertaining story anyway. Whether it is necessary or not to cover your babies with a plastic dome, depends on many things - especially on factors such as air-movement, temperature and relative humidity.
I don't use plastic covers for sprouts, but I do for clones, as they seem much more tender. If you have a nice relatively warm and moist environment, your plants should do fine.
Some air-movement is good to strengthen stalks - and lots of light.
Happy grow.


Well-Known Member
30 plants.... if 1/2 being female.... that's 15 plnts, still a big grow....

why did ya put so many seeds to germ??? anyways..

you need a lot of light for those plants...
good luck....
the site is called cannabisseeds.com...
So I potted them...im kinda having trouble with maintaining a humidity naturally, even though it doesn't seem to be necessary...so...I think im gonna stick with the seran wrap...it doesn't hurt, does it?...

"why did ya put so many seeds to germ??? anyways.."
-I heard that the company I bought the seeds from sucks and their shit doesn't germinate...Didnt want to waste my time so I figured if I did them all, at least SOME were bound to sprout... maybe that nasty e-mail paid off?

So I need a lot of light, huh...hmm...I bought growing lights...they were pretty cheap so Im a little nervous...only like 4-8 bucks...bought (1) 75 watt and (1) 60 watt. is this enough to get them going? Im sure Ill have to update my lighting situation once they get bigger...


Well-Known Member
go to home depot and tell the guy you need a HPS fixture for a barn or some shit... tell him you won't do halogen because you don't like the color or some excuse.....

they have cheap magnetic ballasts for like 30 bux.... can't vouch for wattage, i heard once they had 400 watt HPS fixtures for 35 bux..... find a good grow bulb from a hydro store.....

these give off a shit ton of light and heat, so make sure you touch that shit.... you'll also need to find some way to remove all the heat from the room....

this is a way to start... you should've designed your grow room/box before germing...


Well-Known Member
the site is called cannabisseeds.com...
So I potted them...im kinda having trouble with maintaining a humidity naturally, even though it doesn't seem to be necessary...so...I think im gonna stick with the seran wrap...it doesn't hurt, does it?...

"why did ya put so many seeds to germ??? anyways.."
-I heard that the company I bought the seeds from sucks and their shit doesn't germinate...Didnt want to waste my time so I figured if I did them all, at least SOME were bound to sprout... maybe that nasty e-mail paid off?

So I need a lot of light, huh...hmm...I bought growing lights...they were pretty cheap so Im a little nervous...only like 4-8 bucks...bought (1) 75 watt and (1) 60 watt. is this enough to get them going? Im sure Ill have to update my lighting situation once they get bigger...

That won`t be NEARLY enough for 30 plants. Go to the newbie central, read about lights and widow maker`s how to grow marijuana. You`ll either need a crapload more CFLs or, like redivider said, an HPS (could do with 2 400W ones if you can afford them and the electrical bill).

If you go for HPS, make sure you vent the grow box/room properly as they put out masses of hot air and keep the lights at about 2-3 feet from your plants so not to burn them.

You mentioned sawing in your first post, do you plan on growing any of them outside?

Good luck and come back with questions if you get lost :leaf:


Well-Known Member
What exactly are you needing help with though?

Any questions you might have feel free to message me and ask away.

Or.. try and get help here by posting on the forums. (like what you just did..)

but eh yeah, need any help just msg me with your questions. I'd be more than happy to help out.. as just a few years ago I was starting right where your at too.

We've all been there. ;)

'Happy Holiday's!" :bigjoint:
OK, Im just gonna take a picture of this shit so you can see what I'm working with.
Am I totally going to mess up my seedlings with the light I have on them now? I went to put in the stronger bulb and the thing fucking blew the second I plugged it in...pissed...I don't have a car and its like -15 degree windchill out there so theres no way Im riding my bike to homedepot... should I really just find a way there...or do you think Im ok until tomorrow morning when I can get a ride? (reminder a have A 60watt grow light shining on them...)

The grow box wasnt made to house all of these friggin plants...I totally aimed low b/c the site had such cruddy reviews about seeds....I'm quite surprised that so many of the seeds popped... I've been putting some serious love into these things...perhaps its good karma? well... I think i may have misled you as to what I actually have...I'm in the wee stages of sprouting, like...just germinated seeds and potted them...THATS IT... Im kinda scared that Im gonna ruin my seedlings with this shoddy system I have going on at the moment... I dont know how to put pics in this thing yet...so...maybe once i figure it out ill have figured out a few more things and be able to post with pride...


Well-Known Member
OK, Im just gonna take a picture of this shit so you can see what I'm working with.
Am I totally going to mess up my seedlings with the light I have on them now? I went to put in the stronger bulb and the thing fucking blew the second I plugged it in...pissed...I don't have a car and its like -15 degree windchill out there so theres no way Im riding my bike to homedepot... should I really just find a way there...or do you think Im ok until tomorrow morning when I can get a ride? (reminder a have A 60watt grow light shining on them...)

The grow box wasnt made to house all of these friggin plants...I totally aimed low b/c the site had such cruddy reviews about seeds....I'm quite surprised that so many of the seeds popped... I've been putting some serious love into these things...perhaps its good karma? well... I think i may have misled you as to what I actually have...I'm in the wee stages of sprouting, like...just germinated seeds and potted them...THATS IT... Im kinda scared that Im gonna ruin my seedlings with this shoddy system I have going on at the moment... I dont know how to put pics in this thing yet...so...maybe once i figure it out ill have figured out a few more things and be able to post with pride...

you may have a day or 2 before they DIE :razz:

well if you can`t grow em all, pick some and safeguard them. Put a few under the cfls you have and let the others cope however they can untill you get your box set up and can give them better attention. But make sure at least a few of your plants will survive