Extremely disappointed...what the hell happened???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You have to feed your plants. Unless it's a "super soil" then near all soil and soil mixes bought only contain nutrients good for around a month or so.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
strange it happened so quickly on an older plant. how did the inside of the buds look? no mold? GL


Well-Known Member
Not your fault OP. The amount of post's like these "help fox farm" etc is just the tip of it!!COCO :leaf:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i take it ur blaming the foxfarm? i'm starting to think FF sucks ass?
Did you not read my post? You have to feed your plants. Fox farm from everything i've read is fantastic stuff. There is a reason there are 1001 types of nutrient for sale. Don't start blaming a product because you didn't bother to read up on how to grow cannabis properly.


Active Member
i didn't see any bugs in the soil. i doubt there were bugs, it was in a clean area i didn't see any
You might not see root aphids until you stick a piece of raw potato down in the dirt. What you described sounds like what root aphids do, and how fast they do it.


Well-Known Member
You never replied to my post.........
I have used FFOF for sometime and its a little hot But never had any problems.



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So ru saying that all of my problems were because I didn't add any extra nutes?
I am not saying all, but i am saying that it is a VERY likely possiblity. Unless you create a soil akin to subcools supersoil, then near every grower will be required to use added nutrients at some point even if their soil does contain slow release food.


Well-Known Member
I did a single northern lights 12/12 from seed in fox farm dirt...no added nutrients and under 84 watts worth of cfl
That's what you did wrong. Grow more plants with real lights and nutrients. I'm surprised it lived till harvest without food - your shitty light actually probably helped, because with it's metabolism cut, it wouldn't need to eat as much. Can't vouch for FF, trying there bloom lineup right now in soil (peat+perlite, not paying for brand-name dirt) with ProTekt, since I've had trouble with Dynagro's bloom in soil. FF seems great so far, but it's still early.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You might. You might not. from what i read an hps of that power is not worth the time, might as well just use CFL's. Your issue seems to be mainly that you do not know how to properly grow cannabis, not your setup.


Well-Known Member
1 of you must know whats' up
My first thought as to what happened has already been posted by someone else and you appear to have dismissed it. Something went wrong, you posted about it on here, and drew some responses that seemed to put you on the defensive. When you are on the defensive you learn nothing.

Now pictures would have helped, but there are none; so not to worry. How often were you watering? Did you flush at all? How was the drainage in your soil?

Because to me it sounds like a combination of bud rot and root rot. Of course it is difficult to prove this, as all evidence has been consumed. May I suggest that on your next grow you make notes as to what you are doing, then if something goes wrong it will be easier to identify. If the worst does happen again, then keep ALL of it, and take pictures of ALL of it and post them on here. I can guarantee you will get accurate help then.

Ps, sorry your grow went to shit dude, I know how heartbreaking it can be. Learn from the negative experience and do better next time. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Grow more plants with real lights and nutrients. I'm surprised it lived till harvest without food - your shitty light actually probably helped, because with it's metabolism cut, it wouldn't need to eat as much.

This is a good answer in my opinion. Nails a serious issue with your set-up.


Well-Known Member
Learning curve of growing. Things happen and you learn how to react. Roots should be aleast the size of the foliage size. Sometimes you just get a plant that sucks.;-)