Extremely new grower...


Well-Known Member
hmm wouldn't have thought it would be that easy. Cool. Still not taking your fridge though. HA HA HA ;-)


Well-Known Member
So i got so caught up in the new business that I forgot what date it was and that I was suppoessed to water them 2 days ago.... welllllll they dried up alot. they look horrible. Im going to see if I can pull them through and get them healthy but I definitly fuck up on this one


Well-Known Member
aw man that sucks. Might have stunted 'em a bit but I'm sure they'll bounce back bud.
How's the bid-ness going? lol


Well-Known Member
good, making $100+ a day on bottled water alone. we are still waiting on alot of inventory but as of right now we have water and jewerly and are selling quite a bit of both sooooo thats pretty cool....

ill make a video tonight if I get a chance. and let you guys see the damage...


Well-Known Member
Wow, your buds are growing wayy faster than mine!! I wonder if the 72 hrs of dark had any influence on that? Also, not to be a nit picker, but I'm wondering if your lights are too far from the ladies, they look like they have done quite a bit of stretching since before flowering. I hope they will rebound quickly from their neglect. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah man they look a little beat up but I'm sure they'll be all right.
Bill is right your buds are growing really fast man. Looks like that HPS is doing it's job.
I read somewhere that if you aerate your soil (carefully of course) by putting a bunch of holes in it then water them liberally you're supposed to be able to notice them popping back within hours.


Well-Known Member
The light was closer until last night I moved it up about half a foot before the video. I wanted to back up from the heat a little. Give them a little rest.


Well-Known Member
Be sure to remove any dead plant material from the grow area or your asking for bugs. After viewing the film it looks as if the issue is mostly on the bottom which isnt that bad. Consider it lolly popping your plants. Those bottom buds would be small and take away from the bigger buds on top.