Extremely quick rooting clones


A friend of mine has surprisingly fast rooting plants.. 100% success rate. All clones rooted well, and were ready for planting by day 9!!!

Variety: Tighty Whitey
Medium: Jiffy..
Nutes: Kick Start by grotek
Gel: Clonex

He watered them once, after the initial soaking of the jiffy. He didn't open the tray for the first 5 days, and only sprayed the clones during cutting and transplant, but never during rooting. He switched tray lids once every 12 hours and dipped the clones once in the kickstart nutrient solution.. 9 days!! 100% planted, and all healthy. Am I overreacting?

I've never heard of a variety rooting that fast and well. He recently changed his cloning methods and nutes, but this is also the first time he worked with this variety. Anyone else have similar results?
hey everyone!!! yes, i just built my ez cloner 5 days ago...put the clones in the next day and in just 4 days i have quarter inch roots on half of my clones. all i use is balanced ph and and clonex clone solution. my water temps stay between 74 and 78...room temp is about the same. the other half of my clones have just white nubs...but man o man...these suckers grow fast!!!
I have 100% rate with clones all to do with temps in the room and a propagator feed nothing other than good old water,mist the plants twice a day for the 1 st week.Make sure that the propagator lid get a mist too after the 1st week mist once a day by day 8/9 most of the clones will have small roots but i would always then add them to the next size cube for a further 2/3 days before putting under hotter lights.Most of my clones have roots showing by day 6/7 though but the extra time in the bigger cubes makes a lot of differance,soak the bigger cubes in root stim 1.1 cf.dont bother ph ing the water that is used to mist unless your water is really bad.But most water will be fine but if not buy spring water,once the clones get roots and are ready for the next sized cube put them into bigger cubes that have been phed at 5.5 if growing hydro or 6.5 if growing soil..........tyke
I use cheap Schultz Take Root powder and just put them right in some dirt. They start growing in about a week. I don't use a dome or anything. Just spray them once in awhile. I just leave them on the countertop and let them do their thing. The first few days I'll turn the overhead light in the room off when I'm not in there, and then I'll just leave it on so they have a little bit of lumens hitting them. When they start getting nice new green growth, they go under the lights.

I think the key to making them root faster is to peel away a layer of the stem about an inch above where you make your cut. More surface area to make roots. The first time I tried cloning I didn't strip away the skin and they took almost 2 weeks to start growing again. By stripping away the skin, the time is cut by nearly half.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, but it works and that's all I care about.
I stick a clone in the dirt, put a top half of a cola bottle on it, unscrew the top and wait till it grows. 100% succes rate.
I had a clone company for a couple years.. on a massive scale its SO much work and not profitable unless you can get retail price. But yea we had clones pop in as little as 7 days, but most were 9 -10. I found ambient temp to be the deciding factor in how quickly roots popped. Above 80 degrees made the difference between 7 days and 14 days. This is assuming you have down every other aspect of propagation. Sure changing out the dome is helpful (we would wipe them) to keep over humidification down
mine have been in 6 days and show no sign of rooting
So many variables.. if you're using gel, too much will rot the stem, or if the cut crushed the stem, if there are spores in your room, if its too cold, some genetics are stubborn. Im sure you've experienced all these in some way