EyeClops BioniCam!!


Well-Known Member
I think everyone that grows should get one of these eyeclops bionicams.. a friend of mine showed me his that he got about a week ago and let me say it is SICK. i think he said it goes up from 60 to a 400x zoom, it has a led light, and like a 3 or 4 inch high quality LCD screen so you can see what you are looking at without having to peer into a microscope.

the coolsest part is it has a slot for a flash drive so you can snap pics and upload em easy breezy! it is so cool, perfect harvest tool and is only 20 bux!! i couldnt believe it!! i mean hell the shitty ass ones at radio shack are like 15 and they are only 40-100x ill be ordeing mine today and give an update and some pics in a week or so but i think it will be well worth it..check em out

i know thats exactly what i thought when my buddy showed it to me yesterday.. he bought it a week ago for 40 but still. i know it looks kinda cheezy with their little ads and everything but i saw it in person and this thing is DOPE!! its just like looking on your computer monitor at the close up shots i mean i was thouroughly impressed! i just ordered mine which should be here about the 28th so i will be sure to take some pictures and post em on here so everyone can see for themselves. it is like gods gift to growers i swear.
got my eyeclops in the mail today and it is SICK.. has a battery pack that takes 5 AA that connects by a wire to the handheld unit.. it has 3 bright led lights to shine on whatever you are looking at, and a badass lcd screen, i was impressed.

it also comes with a usb memory card so you can take pictures and movies with it and upload em to the computer.. i snapped some pics of it and uploaded a few pics that i took with it so you can see.. i tried to take a picture of it taking a picture but it didnt come out to well, but let me put it this way... the lcd screen is just as good of quality as looking at the pics i posted from your computer.. i was thuroughly impressed..

now the pics i took were at the three settings 100x 200x and 400x.

i tried to take pics of a red hair so you could compare the distances, it was hard to get it completely focused at 400x because each little movement is so delicate but it is easy to look around at em.. this thing would be a wonder for inspecting for bugs n shit.. 20 bux from amazon cant beat it!!

anyways in order the first pic is at 100x the second pic is at 200x and the third pic is at 400x the last pic is just a cool one i took that has a trichome isolated in the middle.. pretty neat looking. all pics of a red hair off of some cheese i had layin around :weed: enjoy!


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im ordering one right now but first i have to ask....is the picture in the LCD screen as good resolition as the picture....cuz if i cant really see it on the LCD screen then its not worth the money