EZ-Cloner Clones will not take from healthy Mother.


Active Member
Hey fellow growers. I am here needing some advice. I have a mother plant (5+ months old) in all the years of growing I have never had it where the clones that have been taken will not root at all and after third week they just die, even if I get one clone to put out some roots they die as well.

I am using shop light from Lowes, so the light being too strong shouldn't be the issue with the clones not taking.

Motherplant is misted with (fresh solution) of water and diluted clonex every 2 day.
Motherplant ph is undercontol at (6.5-7.0ph) in soil. However, the ph has been on the high side, and possibly when clones were taken (7.5-8.0 ph).

Can high ph in the soil at the time cuttings are taken cause a lack of hormones causing the clones not to take at all?

Rooting the clones in an EZ-Cloner cooled water by ice packs through the day so the water temp stays normalized (70-76F).

Water is filtered that is in the cloner, and is perfect ph. The water is also tested every week to keep it in check. Clonex is also used in the water from beginning and well as clonex gel on the clones themselves.

On the second week, the suggested amount of (Roots Excelurator by House & Garden) is added to the cloner. Only one clone had roots at this point, but 4 days later, clone died like the rest of the non-rooted clones.

There are no pest (i.e. mites) as well as the cloner is well cleaned before getting started, and throughout the cloning process without harmful chemicals. There is no (green slim) or algae problems. The sprayers are cleaned and maintained so there are no clogs, as well as the aerator in the cloner so there are no problems on that part.

I have never had a problem with this before... could there be a possibility of (bad genetics)? Strange thing is, the motherplant is healthy, green and growing very well. no problems at all. Any suggestions? Thanks in advanced!


Well-Known Member
well then, here's a couple things. first make sure your mum is not on a high nitrogen diet. she should be on a balanced nute. next try raising your temps to the upper 70s. be sure to get a nice supple cutting...no woody stems.
What's with the cloning solution? never heard of that trick


Well-Known Member
Try this for shits and giggles: get a yogurt cup with lid, or chip dip container with lid, well u get the point, fill the container with water& cut a small hole in the lid. Cut your clone, stick it in the hole & put it under the light. Then just forget about it. Dint touch it. Dont check it. Dont even look at it for a week. After a week, change the water and forget about it for a week again.

Sometimes we get so caught up with technology, and ways of doing things that sonetimes we tend to over do it. Keep it simple!


Active Member
well then, here's a couple things. first make sure your mum is not on a high nitrogen diet. she should be on a balanced nute. next try raising your temps to the upper 70s. be sure to get a nice supple cutting...no woody stems.
What's with the cloning solution? never heard of that trick
Yes, I was thinking maybe nitrogen as well, I flushed the mother today, and going to try and see if I can get any clones a few days from now.. there really cant be that much more to eliminate.


Active Member
Try this for shits and giggles: get a yogurt cup with lid, or chip dip container with lid, well u get the point, fill the container with water& cut a small hole in the lid. Cut your clone, stick it in the hole & put it under the light. Then just forget about it. Dint touch it. Dont check it. Dont even look at it for a week. After a week, change the water and forget about it for a week again.

Sometimes we get so caught up with technology, and ways of doing things that sonetimes we tend to over do it. Keep it simple!
Interesting, I will give that a try as well. thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have a 99% cutting to rooted clone rate in 10 days. this is my 3rd time cloning with this success. I use a 25 site clone machine, with an added air stone, and a T8 2-4" 6500k fixture 24/7. I use regent A root rooting hormone in my cloner solution @ 4ml per 1 gal of water (ph to 6.5). and always use cloning gel on the freshly cut cuttings. I change my cloner solution every 4 days. after 5 days the roots start growing and really take off at day 7+.


Active Member
I have a 99% cutting to rooted clone rate in 10 days. this is my 3rd time cloning with this success. I use a 25 site clone machine, with an added air stone, and a T8 2-4" 6500k fixture 24/7. I use regent A root rooting hormone in my cloner solution @ 4ml per 1 gal of water (ph to 6.5). and always use cloning gel on the freshly cut cuttings. I change my cloner solution every 4 days. after 5 days the roots start growing and really take off at day 7+.
that is how it was for a while with me as well. But then it was like everything changed and nothing was working to keep them alive or get them to the point to where they had roots to keep them going. But I have flushed and going to try again in a few days and see if it is a nitrogen problem with it being too high and that keeping them from progressing like they had been, but if this doesn't work, I guess I will just have to start off with new seed again.


Well-Known Member
thats weird, but sounds like a genetic issue to me if you already had your technique down. 5 months is really short for a mothers life span though . after 2 years my homies sour d is still pushing out clones. but the one before it had a similar issue to the one you describe after about the 2 year mark