EZ Cloner Question On day 13


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
I have the 30 site EZ cloner, I have had them in it running 24/7 with a max temp pf 78 and I am using Clear Rez to make sure I have no bacteria. At day 9 The power went off for about 8 - 20 hours. I lost 2 out of 30. the other 30 came back. I have 3 gallons of spring water in it and 2 of tap water. I have used 5 drops of super thrive in the first week(Day 3) and another 5 this seconds week(Yesterday). I checked the PH and I adjusted it to 6 and I am using Power clone cloning solution (added yesterday) at half strength. I am seeing "possibly" the starting of roots (No definite roots). When I open the cloner to look at the tmps I see the air bubble (a bunch of white bubbles on top) (not foam, more like bubble). I am thinking of draining the whole thing and putting nothing but tap water in it. Should I just be patient? Looking for experienced help. Thanks!bongsmilie
I've had good results with nothing but plain tap water, on a 1 min on and 5 min off cycle. Keeps rez cooler and adjusting pH is not nessesary. Low light (25 watt floro, 2 foot above) 24/7. 3-4 weeks.
Hmm somthings not right. In an ez cloner which is an aero cloner roots usually show in about 5 day.You definatly dont want a clear res as the rooting area needs to be light free which is a huge issue if your using a clear res plus all Ez clone units come in all black except display models to show how the sprayers work.The water should be around 5.8 and water temps round 68 to 70. A bit of clonex on roots helps. Make sure the cycler times are set as said 1 on 5 off works. Where did you get one with a clear res???
Lol I never had heard of that stuff. I thought you somehow got one of the display models store use where the entire unit is clear to see how it works when it runs lol My bad. I never have had to use something like that in an aero clone machine as 5 days is a short time and no bad guys grow in that time.
Yeah... I had a problem, the power went off without me knowing it and they all were hanging down. 24 hours after turning it back on with a little super thrive and they were all back except for 2.