Ez-cloner question

My buddy passed onto me his EZ-Cloner... My question is...

First, should I use it? I know he's used it a couple times and I do plan on cleaning it... But I'm still worried about contamination.

Second, once the clone is rooted... What do I do with it. Stupid question I know... But I have never propagated clones before. Do I throw it in a rock-wool cube? Or is that only for seedlings and un-rooted clones? Do I throw it in my soil??

george xxx

Active Member
You should make no attempt to use it until you do some research. The questions make it rather obvious that you do not know anything about growing. I understand that we all have to start somewhere but you need to do some reading. Only one who can decide if a device is to be cleaned and used is you. If you are concerned with contamination trash it or clean it. That's not a question its a choice people here cannot make for you. This is kind of like deciding whether you should put a dirty plate in the dishwasher or the trash can.
I'll more than likely clean it and use it on single clones for a few runs. I just didn't know if the threat of contamination would still be too great after cleaning with a bleach or light chlorine solution and then rinsing. Assuming it had been used and I didn't know it's exact history. I've read a lot about bacterial slime issues with EZ-Cloners, and it has me paranoid. Do you own an EZ-Cloner? Or a similar device? I'm looking for experiences, not necessarily answers, from people who have had/used an EZ-Cloner and what their evaluation was on whether or not...this is going to sound very awkward.. Whether or not the cloning utility of the EZ-Cloner outweighs the risk of contamination.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I do not know anything about growing though... You hurt my feelings, George.


Well-Known Member
just rinse it out, fill it up, turn it on, see how it looks, maybe change the water a few times in an hour if you think you need to. when you get enough roots put in dirt if thats what you grow in. wet dirt that is. change water every week or so. good luck