Ez dwc- 2" netpots- no media- no mess

Thought I would chime in on the central rez or individual buckets. I did individual buckets and it was a nightmare!! Screw that, opening al the bucket, testing levels in each one, topping them off, etc.
I use a flood and drain controller bucket to maintain levels in each plant bucket. twice a day it drains everything into a central rez where I adjust PH, top off, etc. I can go 10 days without doing anything with the nutes I am running. The rez can hold 225 gallons and there is only 100 or so gallons in the buckets. having the excess water sitting outside the room and cooled by the basement floor allows me to skip the chilling.
Oh ok,,,,,, why? Makes you look ignorant.
Go fuck yourself. Some people have enough sense to know a closed mind should have a closed mouth, obviously you don't. Some people have also known others here for a few years and are able to take as joke. BTW, go fuck yourself.
perlite and a dash of coco for me. clone in rapid rooters, transfer to perlite and coco in solo cups, then straight into 6" net pots with the same nutrients.

I keep them in a shallow tote and basically do a flood drain for the first week or so after transfer to the net pots, then I select the best plants to put in my buckets.

many ways to skin a horse.. but fuck hydroton.
why did you switch from undercurrent to hempy buckets?
Go fuck yourself. Some people have enough sense to know a closed mind should have a closed mouth, obviously you don't. Some people have also known others here for a few years and are able to take as joke. BTW, go fuck yourself.

Close minded couldnt be further from the truth. I wasnt aware of your relationship, so looked like you were being the close minded one. Your quite pissed for being able to take jokes, I was just being honest... Do you really believe rdwc is more hassle than several, individual, dwc buckets? I cant tell if that was a joke or not? My bad.
I'm just harassing him.

Hey malevolence, take that shit to trial :eyesmoke: jokes

harassment (either harris-meant or huh-rass-meant) n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious. Such activities may be the basis for a lawsuit if due to discrimination based on race or sex, a violation on the statutory limitations on collection agencies, involve revenge by an ex-spouse, or be shown to be a form of blackmail ("I'll stop bothering you, if you'll go to bed with me"). The victim may file a petition for a "stay away" (restraining) order, intended to prevent contact by the offensive party. A systematic pattern of harassment by an employee against another worker may subject the employer to a lawsuit for failure to protect the worker. (See: harass, sexual harassment)
Are you two kids done yet? Don't make daddy take away the computer!!

Malevolence...I switched because undercurrent is a fucking PIA. It's just way to finicky. If the pros loose entire runs with the UC. Hempy buckets are easy easy easy. The veg is slightly slower but the yield is pretty much the same. Maybe a cunt hair less.

In the end, it's just not worth all the fucking around. The air stones, the pumps, the cleaning, the chilling, making EWC. Fuck it all dude.

Here is how you maintain the hempy.
1. Water till water comes out the hole in the side
2. Walk away and go enjoy yourself
3. Come back 3 days later and go to #1
Maybe I should have put it this way, quite trying to be the worlds referee. You didn't know the situation, and still don't. I've never run rdwc because I have been very successful in my aero systems and iI run a few dwc buckets. The person who the remarks were directed at knows this and his comments are always welcome, so unless you want to contribute to a good thread save your comments for somebody else and quite jacking mine.
Id love to see inside your bucket. I think its a neat idea. Is there any stability problem side to side? Know how heavy dwc girls can get hope she doesnt slide right down on ya lol.

For the hempy, do you replace the perlite each round? Thats kind of a hassle and an extra expense with less explosive growth. A good pump with proper care will last a while and so will air stones. When I ran rdwc I did re-use the hydroton and rinsing it was an extra task, but even brand new hydroton needs a good rinsing. I also believe dwc/rdwc can be more nute efficient operating at lower ppms. I've also gone whole runs without replacing the water once (like nute companies suggest),, just topping off the main res with fresh nute solution as the water level goes down, eventually just topping off with plain h2o until it runs clean.
I dont have problems with hempies or the people who use them or any other grow method for that matter, we are all going in the same direction, I will debate/ add my 2c. and always keeping an eye out for new and interesting things,,,, thats what brought me here in the first place.
Who'd at, I think you and I are growing at different scales. I could not fathom reusing any growing medium. I currently have 440 gallons of substrate...in in room. I'm growing trees. Perlite is LIGHT and CHEAP. A four cubic feet bag is like $16. Post harvest, 22 20 gallon totes go to the dump and are emptied.

I'm also in a legal state so there isn't a problem dumping all those huge root balls :)
Explosive growth is nice for sure but in the end, it's about yield and I haven't seen that much difference really.
Well since this thread is about NO medium this will the last I'll mention it, unless the OP finds the discussion is useful.

In this vid im thinking somewhere around one bag of hydroton was used and CAN be re-used with no added labor considering new hydroton needs to be rinsed anyway.
Trees and rdwc, plenty of large scale operations going this rout. I would also think efficiency becomes more important as the scale of operation grows. It seems dumping, re-purchasing and re-filling all that perlite is a bit much.

Not sure about the 12lb claim but considering the size of those plants I wouldn't toss that out of the realm of possibility.
Are you two kids done yet? Don't make daddy take away the computer!!

Malevolence...I switched because undercurrent is a fucking PIA. It's just way to finicky. If the pros loose entire runs with the UC. Hempy buckets are easy easy easy. The veg is slightly slower but the yield is pretty much the same. Maybe a cunt hair less.

In the end, it's just not worth all the fucking around. The air stones, the pumps, the cleaning, the chilling, making EWC. Fuck it all dude.

Here is how you maintain the hempy.
1. Water till water comes out the hole in the side
2. Walk away and go enjoy yourself
3. Come back 3 days later and go to #1

Hmmm, you're capable of pulling 3-4#s a light in hempys? Fuck. I should have done that over a UC. /joke
I don't understand how anyone could have an issue with UC provided they have the proper equipment to do it right.

I can swap 40 gallons of R/O, flush the res, and monitor pH right on my nutradip. Yeah, if you don't have the gear
I suppose shit could be a pain. I spend less than an hour a week doing maintenance if I want to.

pH too low? Add some silica.
Plants drinking a lot? Top off with R/O.
Just added R/O and PPMs dropped? Add back til your PPMs are back where they were.
Fucked my whole res? Reverse the inline pump using a manifold and pump it out to the toilet.

It's so easy I'm bored because I don't have the space to set up another 4 lights and build a UC for them.
And I don't need to flush, because DWC/RDWC isn't accumulating like coco.

The only reason I can't use SuperStoners 2" net cups, is because my tree trunks are bigger around than 2",
and there's no way the cup could support the weight of these monsters.

But to each their own. Everyone has different ability levels.
3-4lbs a light... You need to post pictures if your going to be talking bullshit like that. I know guys that run UC...and not little set ups like your rocking and they all agree that sometimes it just gets sideways. There are PLENTY of UC threads where things got completely fucked up. Go over to thcfarmer and read up. There isn't really dick about UC on this forum.
PH low, add silica? Wrong, or at least incomplete info that could cause other growers problems. Not all silicon products raise pH, some lower it. Using a more common or neutral adjuster is better and will not skew ppm readings. Not to mention if using silicon to adjust pH then when plant uptakes silicon the pH will be affected negatively.
I am halfway through flower on my second coco hempy run and I'm kinda learning that dwc more or pess forces me to check on my plants daily (to swap ice) which turns out being better for my gardens health. In hand watering coco I have let them dry out too much or accumulated too much ppm. The dwc was more work but my plants looked a little better I think.
SS, don't be a dick dude. Silica product that lowers ph? Name one. As far as the PH lowering as silica is absorbed, the actual amount of silica added or absorbed is minuscule compared to other nutrients. And just like other nutrients, the amount of PH fluctuation is actually a function of the nutrient buffers and concentrations compared to plant needs.

Lasly, one should always calculate PPM and adjust and then deal with PH issues. So the comment that it is going to throw off ppm numbers is pretty much bullshit as well.

I typically respect your posts dude but don't go disagreeing just for the sake of telling someone they are wrong. I haven't purchased PH up in over a year. Dyna grow silica is just as effective.

I think you forgot that many on this site have no fucking idea what is up anyways. Silica is very important for disease and pest resistance not to mention stronger trunks yet hardly anyone adds it despite the fact that it isn't included in any nutrient line I know of.

What ev, back to trimming for me
Go over to thcfarmer and read up. There isn't really dick about UC on this forum.
man you weren't kidding... thcfarmer is a fuckin goldmine for RDWC related shit. There really isn't much about undercurrent around here... makes you think most people don't run it. Or most people that do run UC run large scale and not many of them on riu. At least you don't often see anything undercurrent less than a couple thousand watts.
SS, don't be a dick dude. Silica product that lowers ph? Name one. As far as the PH lowering as silica is absorbed, the actual amount of silica added or absorbed is minuscule compared to other nutrients. And just like other nutrients, the amount of PH fluctuation is actually a function of the nutrient buffers and concentrations compared to plant needs.

Lasly, one should always calculate PPM and adjust and then deal with PH issues. So the comment that it is going to throw off ppm numbers is pretty much bullshit as well.

I typically respect your posts dude but don't go disagreeing just for the sake of telling someone they are wrong. I haven't purchased PH up in over a year. Dyna grow silica is just as effective.

I think you forgot that many on this site have no fucking idea what is up anyways. Silica is very important for disease and pest resistance not to mention stronger trunks yet hardly anyone adds it despite the fact that it isn't included in any nutrient line I know of.

What ev, back to trimming for me
Whos being a dick? Just because you don't know of one doesn't mean there isn't. I know I have used rhino skin and silica blast and one takes it up and one down. And yes if he is using silicon to up the pH when the silicon is absorbed he will lose that buffer and pH will change more than normal. And the ppm bullshit you mention is also true. Adding silicon to adjust pH will change ppm much much more than a normal pH adjuster. If that is how you argue your point I have no respect for you or your posts, I was passing on experience and you are passing gas. So, again, a closed mind and mouth go hand in hand
Dude your absolutely wrong. Both rhino skin AND silica blast are both basic compounds that will raise your PH.

I'm telling you that people with much more experience than you will ever have with very large grows use silica as PH up.
Again, just because you haven't used it doesn't mean its not so. I know what I have tried and I know what did what. Stop referencing everybody else's grow and experience and try it yourself. I didn't start insulting you, you did. And seriously, take your crap somewhere else. Please refrain from posting in my threads if all you want is to call names and use others experiences. We have have people with years of this or that, but I'm using my experience not theirs. And the post was seriously meant to help because of what I did experience with different silicon.