f@ck autoflowering plants

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
fuck auto flowering plants there ok every so often.i suppose it would'nt hurt to put a few through your outdoor grow but it is beond me why someone would risk so much for so little i can get a better yeild of the plants brances lower down even just 1 branch you can't clone them i understand that these are a good choice if you have 100's of them but unless you do dont bother go for something you are gonna get 9 ounce even more instead of a ounce if your lucky fuck them shit thing's but every one to there own.

why u so mad?? Not like u spent mad money or time growing them??? Or did you???


Well-Known Member
1 ounce per plant like fuck not dry no way.i just cut the bottom of wrap 3 sheets or rizla around it then smoke that littleting.someguys have big thins others have little its the way it is dude.


Well-Known Member
You are all missing my point here the reason that i dont grow them little plants inbetween grows is my blueberry and ak47 arjon ultra haze keep me company and always last[big plants big yeild]YUTES YA BORE ME NOW GO PLAY WITH YA LITTLE TINGS


New Member
autos arent bred for outdoors.autos are an aquired taste or a "niche" plant variety. the main reasons ppl buy autos are ..

1. small grow space/box
2. very fast harvest time
3. no need for 12/12 ( ill explain below )
4. there a "novelty" right now

I have mixxed feelings about autos.. On one hand, they are a PITA if your growing other regular strains at the same time in flower as you will need two flower rooms.. one for the autos and one for the regs.. BUT, I feel that they are convineient to grow in your veg box along with your vegging plants on 20/4 and will flower while your vegging other plants in the same box.My friend is using his 600W hps to veg other plants in his flower room while the auto AK's are going.. when the auto ak's get finished he's just going to flip the timer to 12/12 for the remaining plants.
If you are growing in a very short box or need a plant that will be done in under 3 mnths and dont mind the 20/4 light cycle ( I still say its a waste of electricity to use so much power on such a small plant for its entire life, but hey thats just my 2c ) then autos are a good choice. But if you want to use a single flower room for autos and reg plants its not a good idea at all. I heard that u can run autos on 12/12 but I dont know how well that would work out.it wojld prolly add at least 2 maybe 3 weeks to the grow time.
I def wouldnt expect too much out of an auto plant grown outside. the way reg plants do so well outside is because they can grow as big as they want basically.. But w/ autos its not about size as they are only going to get so big no matter what.. and the light cycle outside is far from ideal for autos so IMHO an inside grow is the BEST way to grow autos.



New Member
I would think that since auto's cannot be cloned a few males would be desirable, no?

out. :blsmoke:
induce hermie by light,acid or other method on a fem auto plant and you will get fem seeds. you can even fix it so you only hermie the branches you want by being creative.. try covering a few bud sites up with a cup or something for a few days at a time and you can hermie only the buds you want to have seeds from w/out effecting the whole plant.



Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what im doing dude. what kind of big plants are you growing? Im doing afgan kush,amazonia,super skunk,and white dwarf


Well-Known Member
Autos are a novelty right now. I grow auto AK (seeded 1 female long time ago and have tons of seeds). I can get sometimes 2+ Oz DRY but normally around 1 - 1.5 under 400w HPS.
I use them to gap my harvests as others stated in this thread. They are NO WAY even close to taste or potency of normal sized strains. They are good to have bud all the time but when my big girls finish, I get rid of the auto bud cuz it's like drinking cheap whiskey or cheap beer.
They are fun to grow though :hump:


Well-Known Member
ak47/arjons ultra haze.blueberry these plants are the staple diat that i'm on at present got a few chocolope but seeds just cracked but soon they will also be in amunst my libary.just started to sort my plots out for summer covered grow area with a old carpet this has the same effect has getting all the weeds out everything dies under it but i put a few handfuls of slow release food pellets down and a little sea weed exstact.growing mixes of all the strains now so they will be nice and more resistent to insects and rabbits were i live i have seen at least 50 mink they must have been let out by alf animal liberration front they have done me a favour i seen one the other day with a rabbit still kicking in it's mouth.I'm not one for all tis kind of thing but they have caused more damage than good all our native wild life waterrats and anything a mink can fit in it's mouth it will kill why don't they think b4 they act.


Well-Known Member
I hate to be an ass, but dude i can't even read your posts you need to use proper typing methods. You need to space after a period before starting the next sentence. Capital letters would be awesome. Work on your spelling. Just some helpful tips!


Well-Known Member
I've growing auto's tbh these are way overrated in my opinion and I think it's a waiste of time for a main grow. the potency of the bud is very low. I myself a medical user have absolute no time for this strain, nothing good about it at all in my opinion. crap yield maybe 1 oz max per plant, potency well it just lacks that completly!


I do have a soft spot after bitching that much about it!

9 weeks from seed to bud you just can't beat, My advise for those who want to grow autos, just have some autos in with your normal grow on 18/6 and whilst my other plants are vegging these guys are usually flowering, so when I harvest I have enough bud just to tide me over, fair enough the potency isn't great but I have had worst.

these are really good plants just to stick in corner of grow room, requiring not that much attention and then you can just enjoy the free smoke..


New Member
Well I never thought auto's were intended for inside grows. They make more sense for those enslaved to sun cycles. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Well I never thought auto's were intended for inside grows. They make more sense for those enslaved to sun cycles. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
autos do way better under artificial light, they flower no matter what cycle but the more light the better, and outdoors they will grow slow because the sun is out for only so long and not even close to 18 hours of light and shit


Well-Known Member
I dont agree. The sun might be out only so long but it is far more powerfull than any lamp. Thats why yeilds are so much larger outdoor than indoor no matter what the strain.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I dont agree. The sun might be out only so long but it is far more powerfull than any lamp. Thats why yeilds are so much larger outdoor than indoor no matter what the strain.
well yeah i agree that yields are always larger outdoors, but only for normal strains... all i do is grow outdoors, but not for autos...ive seen ppl grow autos outdoors and they looked real shitty and super little


Well-Known Member
well yeah i agree that yields are always larger outdoors, but only for normal strains... all i do is grow outdoors, but not for autos...ive seen ppl grow autos outdoors and they looked real shitty and super little
Damn I hate to hear that. I ordered 5 white dwarfs to put out side while im waiting on my big girls to ripen in september. I better get at least a half o per plant. Do you know if the auto dwarfs produce 350$ an oz dank?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Damn I hate to hear that. I ordered 5 white dwarfs to put out side while im waiting on my big girls to ripen in september. I better get at least a half o per plant. Do you know if the auto dwarfs produce 350$ an oz dank?
Well dont get too discouraged...im sure youll still get sum decent bud...im simply sayin they do better under lights...but im sure they will be fine outdoors bro...and i heard the bud isnt as potent on autos but i dunno if thats true...like why would the bud be worse? so just go for it man....you will definitly have sum bud in between your big harvest