F*ck Colorado for banning pit like breeds

Pit bulls scare the shit out of me. I try and remember as I run by the fence yard where they are tethered by ridiculously HUGE chains that they are restrained (as they snarl and foam at me)

I too blame dog owners. (but dayum they look scary enough)
Since we're on the topic, can anyone explain why bully dogs have the most problems with me walking my dogs?

I'm talking about a handful of dogs, not just one or a couple.

When they find out my dog is to big to fuck with they would begin fucking with us and the smaller dogs.

Or can any one of you assure me all those instances were the owners faults?

Out of all the stray dogs and street dogs, no other breed of dogs would get close or even try to start funk.

Bullies, always. They never failed to start shit and the'd piss me off more than enough with the same crap always.
Since we're on the topic, can anyone explain why bully dogs have the most problems with me walking my dogs?

I'm talking about a handful of dogs, not just one or a couple.

When they find out my dog is to big to fuck with they would begin fucking with us and the smaller dogs.

Or can any one of you assure me all those instances were the owners faults?

Out of all the stray dogs and street dogs, no other breed of dogs would get close or even try to start funk.

Bullies, always. They never failed to start shit and the'd piss me off more than enough with the same crap always.

All dogs need an alpha or they are the alpha. Part of training a pit, or any dog, to be social is also letting them know your the alpha. If your the alpha they will not try to be. The owners that chain or lock a dog up and forget or ignore are where the problem lies. So, yes I can assure you the owners failed somewhere if their dog is a bully.

Watch the "Dog Whisperer.
I tell my dogs to shut up ad they pipe down.

What does that have to do with bully breeds coming at you all sideways like a bunch of G's?
I wish there were more dog schools. I can only think of 3 owners which train their dogs (all mixed breeds).

I'm quite confrontational with people and a few times now I've told them to look up training examples on YouTube.

I used to walk with my two friends but neither of these women can control a German shep or a golden retriever. Their dogs take the ball and don't bring it back. Lucky they didn't have children! I couldn't have a dog like that. They look really stupid chasing after them and continually calling them.
my dog is STUBBORN AS FUCK. its the husky , so breed does play a apart. it doesnt help that i got him when he was already almost a year old and had as much training as a 6 week old pup.
hes come along way but hes also got his fucking issues still
when i first got him he would play bite..alot like a little pup does
took about a week or two to fix that
its took me almost 5 months to train him to walk some what decent on a leash and he still sucks.
its constant training it never ends. i love my dog and he isnt a pit but he can be stubbborn
he will actually ARGUE with me
if say he grabs a sock and i say no drop it
he starts going like a rooo rooo roooooo like talking not barking cause hes literally telling me
no fuck you i want it
lol its funny but ya know
Since we're on the topic, can anyone explain why bully dogs have the most problems with me walking my dogs?

I'm talking about a handful of dogs, not just one or a couple.

When they find out my dog is to big to fuck with they would begin fucking with us and the smaller dogs.

Or can any one of you assure me all those instances were the owners faults?

Out of all the stray dogs and street dogs, no other breed of dogs would get close or even try to start funk.

Bullies, always. They never failed to start shit and the'd piss me off more than enough with the same crap always.
It's simple, the dogs that are coming at you have the ability to detect whether you were a dog or a cat in a past life. Clearly you were a cat. Hope this helps.
my dog is STUBBORN AS FUCK. its the husky , so breed does play a apart. it doesnt help that i got him when he was already almost a year old and had as much training as a 6 week old pup.
hes come along way but hes also got his fucking issues still
when i first got him he would play bite..alot like a little pup does
took about a week or two to fix that
its took me almost 5 months to train him to walk some what decent on a leash and he still sucks.
its constant training it never ends. i love my dog and he isnt a pit but he can be stubbborn
he will actually ARGUE with me
if say he grabs a sock and i say no drop it
he starts going like a rooo rooo roooooo like talking not barking cause hes literally telling me
no fuck you i want it
lol its funny but ya know

Maybe the rooo is a canadian accent as over here its noooooo lol, this ones favourite word lol---->

my cousins husky i walk for her most days while shes working
Pit bulls are ugly! Haven't you seen Oliver and company? Murdeeous animals.

Don't get me started on German Shepards!
And golden retrievers piss me off!
I'm more of a chihuahua fan myself!

Pit bulls can suck it.
I dont know about ya'll, but I would have loved to move to Denver, but they lost my interest when I found out,I can not live there because of my dogs. I saw some dumbass dude's thread on toke n talk that said kill all dangerous breeds. So because of that, this compelled me to make this thread, for all the dumbass, ignorant and stupid f*cks out there. This is now show your gentle "dangerous breeds" dog thread. I get so pissed off when I am watching youtube and people are like "pits should be banned or killed". I have had enough! If you dumb f*cks feel that way, well the least you can do is tell me a good explanation for your opinion!View attachment 3272114 View attachment 3272115
Jesus how can you harbor such vicious beasts!!!
Your puppy is beautiful!
Some people are just scared and or ignorant and are too busy to reach inside and pull out their humanity to asses a situation.
For once in my life I agree with something buck said, you can find places around Denver with no breed restrictions. I'm going through the process of finding a place with my 4 dogs and its a bitch. One is an American Bulldog who gets called a pit all the time, and property managers out there are freaking out, like she's a hell spawn. I feel your pain man. your dog is awesome though. I hope your able to find something after I get a place first! mwahahaha
,look all you need to do here, in ontario is get a vet to sign a statement sayign the dog is a "boxer mix"or a "bulldog mix" throw some extra cash att he vet or whatever. DO IT NOW if you live there laminate that shit and put it in a goddamn frame because you will never know when you need it or if the law states any pitbulls after such time blah blah blah make sure you have the proper paper work from shots, vets, age ect to back yourself up.

pitbull banning in ontario canada is about as effective as banning snow. so im sure it'll be the same there

however ive seen really nice pitbulls get taken away because someone cried "pitbull" the owners all had to get vet statements saying their dog is a boxer
because pitbull is ACTUALLY like 10 different breeds of dogs its easy to get away with.

i myself am not against pitbulls, every 10 -15 years or so the world goes through this phase of which dog is dangerous, remember when dobermans and rottweilers were all the "rage" (no pun intended)

there is a huge stigma against pits right now and pitbull looking dogs, all YOU can do as a pitbull owner is be aware there is a stigma , and be a super extra responsible dog owner so that YOUR dog is SAFE.

that means proper leashes be extra careful, harnesses around the chest are perfect for walking and much better than collars and safer for the dog since it doesnt tug on the neck, dont get a spiked collar , just be self aware that even though YOU know your dog sleeps with a pink stuffed unicorn at night no one else does, and that you cannot change the world view, but you can certainly make it easier on yourself when out in public with your dog.no one will ever view pits as a Pomeranian , you just gotta remember that

infact MY dogs breed is actually more vicious than any dog out there, the sled dogs cause more human fatalities because of their history and how they were breed and in what conditions.
Vicious beasts they are

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