f@ck it... post pics of YOUR tats!

I want a tattoo thats cover'd by my pants but near my cock that reads: "Its not going to suck itself" hahaha sike that might turn some girls off :shock:

man i was with some kid who had a tat right above his dick that said "suck it" in script. it was such a turn off... lets just say he didnt get none!!! lol
everybodys got some sweet tats!!! thanks for postin your pics guys! i love lookin at others art.
i repped everyone who posted pics! =)
here's a pic of my mates tattoo that he got done when he was drunk .. quality tatt stupid as fuck tho lol will get pics of my soon ...


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hey peacemane dont take this the wrong way i think ur an beautiful girl
but i dont know why u got that tattoo on ur breast , may be its just me
but when women get tattoos it should be somewhere cute like ur thigh or on the side
of ur waist or may be ur ankle but NEVER ever on their breast . thats just so so so so
unattractive i think and kind of slutty and a complete turn off. but if u like it then its fine i guess
im sorry if im being mean . but it was always one of things i couldnt stand it has
nothing to do with you personally
hey peacemane dont take this the wrong way i think ur an beautiful girl
but i dont know why u got that tattoo on ur breast , may be its just me
but when women get tattoos it should be somewhere cute like ur thigh or on the side
of ur waist or may be ur ankle but NEVER ever on their breast . thats just so so so so
unattractive i think and kind of slutty and a complete turn off. but if u like it then its fine i guess
im sorry if im being mean . but it was always one of things i couldnt stand it has
nothing to do with you personally

now what was the point of going out of your way ther to put someone down abot ther tattoo an then turn round an say sori for being mean do you not have manners or even respect towards others or even heard abot keeping your opinion to urself.. IM SORI FOR BEIN MEAN but that was the most stupi comment iv read yet ..
hey peacemane dont take this the wrong way i think ur an beautiful girl
but i dont know why u got that tattoo on ur breast , may be its just me
but when women get tattoos it should be somewhere cute like ur thigh or on the side
of ur waist or may be ur ankle but NEVER ever on their breast . thats just so so so so
unattractive i think and kind of slutty and a complete turn off. but if u like it then its fine i guess
im sorry if im being mean . but it was always one of things i couldnt stand it has
nothing to do with you personally

The 'think before you speak' rule applies to the internet too.
hey peacemane dont take this the wrong way i think ur an beautiful girl
but i dont know why u got that tattoo on ur breast , may be its just me
but when women get tattoos it should be somewhere cute like ur thigh or on the side
of ur waist or may be ur ankle but NEVER ever on their breast . thats just so so so so
unattractive i think and kind of slutty and a complete turn off. but if u like it then its fine i guess
im sorry if im being mean . but it was always one of things i couldnt stand it has
nothing to do with you personally

are you fucking crazy? chest/tit tats are hot on chicks you asshole! you must not like achick that can knock your bitchass around eh?
Sexist much?
hey peacemane dont take this the wrong way i think ur an beautiful girl
but i dont know why u got that tattoo on ur breast , may be its just me
but when women get tattoos it should be somewhere cute like ur thigh or on the side
of ur waist or may be ur ankle but NEVER ever on their breast . thats just so so so so
unattractive i think and kind of slutty and a complete turn off. but if u like it then its fine i guess
im sorry if im being mean . but it was always one of things i couldnt stand it has
nothing to do with you personally
hey peacemane dont take this the wrong way i think ur an beautiful girl
but i dont know why u got that tattoo on ur breast , may be its just me
but when women get tattoos it should be somewhere cute like ur thigh or on the side
of ur waist or may be ur ankle but NEVER ever on their breast . thats just so so so so
unattractive i think and kind of slutty and a complete turn off. but if u like it then its fine i guess
im sorry if im being mean . but it was always one of things i couldnt stand it has
nothing to do with you personally

HAHAHAHA you really think i give a shit what you think??? LOL