f@ck it... post pics of YOUR tats!

I've got 4 so far...

I have the state of Michigan down my whole left side, and the state of California down my right side **just the outline of the states, going to be filled in as life moves on...**

A 50. cal Desert Eagle Pistol on my "belt line"
**looks like I have a gun tucked at all times when my shirt is off, makes going to the beach interesting... **

and a Skeleton's hand holding a straight razor across the right side of my neck from behind my ear with the "cut here" line... ** ive always been that way...**

all black and grey, all "prison" guns... all well done... all free...




old greggggggg.......wanna go to a club were they wee on eatch other??

check me out cuzzzzzzzzzz


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here are some of mine. shity pics but what ya going to do with a cell cam.


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I gots a clover on me shoulder fer luck directly between the entrance and exit wounds of a wee bullet. I also have a japanese character on the back O'me kneck that shall remain unspecified at this time. No pics though :)
this is Hauwahine, Hawai'ian Mo'o Goddess, or lizard. She is my family Amaku'a or family protector. notice She has my back, always when there is trouble, a mo'o will warn us. we take it very seriously
some familys have shark, turtle,hawai'ian owl, it depends what your line is like our brothers, the Indians have differant Clans, these are ours.


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this is Hauwahine, Hawai'ian Mo'o Goddess, or lizard. She is my family Amaku'a or family protector. notice She has my back, always when there is trouble, a mo'o will warn us. we take it very seriously
some familys have shark, turtle,hawai'ian owl, it depends what your line is like our brothers, the Indians have differant Clans, these are ours.

thats so beautiful girl!
lordy whats your number peacemane :twisted:

some nice ink tho, mine is nowhere near as good.. (lousy tribal)
like how the scorpion wraps around your hip, that will be fun to show off ;)
finally got another one!! hahaa my broke ass







Very nice and different you don't see somebody walking around everyday with a scorpion tatted on there side.I got a couple when I was locked up but they aren't worth showing.Im still trying to figure out something to get for my birthday now though.Tats look hot on girls sides like that also
wait a second!!!
i dont think thats the same girl in those pics
look at her ears
what does she have one gauged and the other not?
and her hair... shaved on one side but not the other...??? hmmm...

#check the date on the pics they are a long time apart, I like her feet and the slag tag!

You big stoner!