

Well-Known Member
Hillgrower wow thats some redneck shit!!! what the hell did the dog or cat do?? Karma will get those fuckers leave pets out of it...yeah it sucks your plant got killed...Its happened to me but I was a kid and so was the guy that took it so I just gave him an old school Ass whippin and he took it but them people sound like the kind who'll call the law on your ass...karmas a mean bitch shell get embongsmilie don't cut the main power line going into the house it will mess you up it's 440v it'll blow your hand off at best kill you most likely as not to sound weak if you have to pick on something mess with their car crawl under the front end and cut a bundle of wires it will cost them a grand to fix it


Junior Creatologist
fuck alla that shit, get yourself some salt shot for your shotgun and play it like a real farmer would. put up a sign wherever your property is divided between yours and your neigbors that sez "No Trespassing, Violators Will Be Shot", and if they do it anyways, just shoot um in the ass with the salt rock.