F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

Smoke a whole bowl of even the greenest dry ice and I bet it gets ya pretty lit! I'll usually pack a bowl of that to bring to a social function and pass around first. I've yet to not have someone say WTF did you put in that weed?! Then I'm like oh its not really weed, its hash sorta. I don't feel bad for them, they like it, and who hits a bowl of straight powder without asking a question first?!

First time I ever smoked PCP was similar, thought it was a coco puff and afterwards my buddy was like oh yeah, that wasn't coke it was wack. I was like WTF is wack?! He's all "You know, smoke a waaaaaack!" Uhh nooo I don't know what a waaaaack is! It was funny, you had to be there I guess. He was a lil mexican dude about 5'2 one of my best friends so I wasn't mad, he smoked it with me and I trusted him, if he hit it first then fuck it I'm good to go. God I don't think like that anymore! Anyways, it was about the most fucked up I've ever been in my life and I didn't really enjoy it. Yet for some strange reason I smoked it like 3 more times over the next week LOL.

Went way off topic there... Yeah 150 micron...
This is my dry ice hash. I only shake a little and never shake til it is green. it comes out looking like yours Whodat. It is nice and moist just like brown sugar


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Fumble and whodat great looking hash/kief!

I plan to buy that washer hopefully before the price goes up.

Supchaka I never tried tried pcp, but have known some ppl that were never normal and get SSI now after using it a few times.
Worst I ever did was meth.
I was tricked into coke once when it was in the weed.
I was pissed while my heart was racing my legs were like jello, and I was sweating like hell!!
Fumble and whodat great looking hash/kief!

Supchaka I never tried tried pcp, but have known some ppl that were never normal and get SSI now after using it a few times.
Worst I ever did was meth.
I was tricked into coke once when it was in the weed.
I was pissed while my heart was racing my legs were like jello, and I was sweating like hell!!

It aint anything to mess with! I remember now why I smoked it more than once! There was fucking NO other drugs around for that week, not so much as a bowl. So it was better than being sober I guess?! Ahh to be young n dumb again! Might not survive another go around though eh.
You know what sucks about having a bunch of mexican friends as a kid?! You can't find any of the fuckers on Facebook because theres 2 million dudes with the same first and last name. I can't find anyone! I got out of that lifestyle after my first son was born and basically cut ties with everyone I knew. I know 1 died and 2 went to jail soon after but I've still tried to find them, even if I might not consider hooking up with them I'd stalk their pages. I'm sure some of them grew up and got responsible like myself too?

The white people from that time frame found me already and Ive had a couple try to hook up for old times sake, but I blow them off for some reason other than the truth that I don't really wanna see them LOL
You know what sucks about having a bunch of mexican friends as a kid?! You can't find any of the fuckers on Facebook because theres 2 million dudes with the same first and last name. I can't find anyone! I got out of that lifestyle after my first son was born and basically cut ties with everyone I knew. I know 1 died and 2 went to jail soon after but I've still tried to find them, even if I might not consider hooking up with them I'd stalk their pages. I'm sure some of them grew up and got responsible like myself too?

The white people from that time frame found me already and Ive had a couple try to hook up for old times sake, but I blow them off for some reason other than the truth that I don't really wanna see them LOL

Yeah I cant believe I am alive!
I hate being old (41 in March) but dont think I wanna be a stupid kid again.
I cleaned up my act when my 1st daughter was 5 I think.
I cut ties with all my old friends that were druggies as well.
I know if I didnt I would fall right back into that B.S. again.
@whodat, did you press it with the hot water glass bottle??? I saw the part 2 to the Frenchy video, that is a lot of work!
You know what sucks about having a bunch of mexican friends as a kid?! You can't find any of the fuckers on Facebook because theres 2 million dudes with the same first and last name. I can't find anyone! I got out of that lifestyle after my first son was born and basically cut ties with everyone I knew. I know 1 died and 2 went to jail soon after but I've still tried to find them, even if I might not consider hooking up with them I'd stalk their pages. I'm sure some of them grew up and got responsible like myself too?

The white people from that time frame found me already and Ive had a couple try to hook up for old times sake, but I blow them off for some reason other than the truth that I don't really wanna see them LOL
Maybe you should try some DMT!
It got darker from oxidation.

When I tried dry ice, at first I was just shaking it over the glass and then I noticed I started feeling very floaty. The hash dust was everywhere! So I put on a mask and gloves and finished the process. I used a coffee grinder to obliterate the buds and dry ice mixture and then I poured the powder and a couple more pieces of ice in a quart ball jar, covered it with a 220 work bag, and screwed on the lid ring. I shook this over a big glass framed poster. Ended up with a pile the size of a softball and sqeezed it down to the size of a hot dog.

It was very pale green and smoked like fine hash - it was like a chunk of incense :)

that is Beautiful Mo! Niice :)

FM...how do you think she is coming along?


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that is Beautiful Mo! Niice :)

FM...how do you think she is coming along?
That is some beautiful fucking buds! She looks so good, how does it smell? Awesome work lady!!!

@whodat, did you freeze your material prior to running it? In the video it seems he doesnt cause he takes it straight from the garbage bag. DMT is 15 minutes of pure dream world!!




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