I was referring to weather more than anything in regards to a greenhouse. I've spoken with a few different LEO and some have said out of sight and locked, one said he didn't recommend doing it outside at all cuz if someone knows your growing in a greenhouse and doesn't like it, locked or not, visible or not, the cops can destroy your plants. I'm in a regular joe neighborhood and have a couple small plants going in the back yard that will be maybe a foot tall when finished. I'm not sure you could even identify them from the distance of the neighbors windows, and I have alot of other plants in the yard anyway.
I would never grow with a greenhouse personally. For how I look, (stereotype) and to throw up a greenhouse would raise all kinds of flags for me I'd rather not worry about. Not to mention its not just getting busted but getting your shit taken too.
Wheres Waldo!? Ok she's not that hard to spot, but nothing to get excited over either.
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