F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
was lookin around a few pages back up to now

yo puter-did you try a microsoft system restore yet
restore to a date before problems set in

not much i could think of if taken to the man he works on the registry files to clean up problems
what i need is a new cpu. the one i have now is 7 years old. lol


Well-Known Member
mmm. id leave the clones flowering for a while longer about another week or so maybe longer. shit has to flower sooner or later right?

maybe they sense the mother is still flowering and she is using the force to keep them growing. the force fm. the force. lmao. sorry really big wax bowl. and talking about the force makes me giggle for some reason right now. hahahah.


Well-Known Member
mmm. id leave the clones flowering for a while longer about another week or so maybe longer. shit has to flower sooner or later right?

maybe they sense the mother is still flowering and she is using the force to keep them growing. the force fm. the force. lmao. sorry really big wax bowl. and talking about the force makes me giggle for some reason right now. hahahah.
The only force i care about right now is the Skywalker Force!!!! I want to become a Jedi after I smoke your Skywalker!!!


Well-Known Member
well there is your problem. lol. mine is about 4 years old and im about due for a new one. the technology and shit now and days is amazing compared to it all back then.
also a hooker will keep your computer from getting so many viruses. altho you may get one yourself. lol. ;)


Well-Known Member
Here is the big dud, hahaha I wont have any problem ripping it out of the ground if I need to. My MD x Cougar is really taking off now and that I know is a plant that will flower some danky buds!!!


Looks like I need to trim that bush again, she is always sneaking out of the shade!!! lol this is the largest plant I have ever grown in my life! lol

DNA OG18 x Skunk, sleeping time but looking nice!!!!

I pollinated this plant with DNA OG18 x Skunk male. Only the lower branches. I am liking the strain so far but the true test will be after the cure!

Peace and stay cool in this heat!



Well-Known Member
Here is another strain I am growing which is Querkle Rain.

Here is QR on day 6 of Flowering


This is her on Day 35 of Flowering, bitch stretched a lot and I didnt take account for it cause I have to water her every day now.


Well-Known Member
hacksaw. then lots o diggin. altho id probably die trying with my crippled ass but id at least rip a branch or two off like scratches from a rape victim. she would own me and id love it. lmao.
wait is it wrong that i just admitted loving the idea of being a womans rape victim? lmao.


Well-Known Member
like da man in post above said cant rape the willing

were you scratching kicking fighting yelling for help

FM - whut do you do wit all da plants when yo kids come over


Well-Known Member
my kids are well aware of what the plants are, i have had talks with them about marijuana. my son is a teenager. i made my kids read my MMJ Rec and there are also great video and articles on Norml that help with talking to your kids.


Well-Known Member
well today i am tearing down my outdoor makeshift shade house for the plant. its hot outside but i have to get this done. i will post pics later


Well-Known Member
I feel you! I am building a greenhouse!
Mo have you ever had a clone from an outdoor plant and flower it indoor and it not flower? I am in that situation right now and was wondering if you had that problem before or have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Well I finished my ghetto rigged Hoop House...Its huge! It was 106F outside yesterday when I decided to do it. I almost had heat exhaustion, I was getting lightheaded and drank some water and gatorade and felt fine after 30 minutes. Took me about 4 hours to get it assembled and also 2 trips to Lowes. The whole thing totaled $110. that is also including the tiki fencing and sun shaded material. Very cheap and very effective! Hope it holds up in the winds, it gets pretty windy here.

Once they start flowering I will remove the sun shade probably in September. Damn thats still some time away. The ghetto hoop house is 16' x 16' x 7.5', thats plenty of room for those two plants(well at least I think)
