

Well-Known Member
Newbie here. I'm growing one plant on my balcony in SoCal. I've recently been posting on an outdoor balcony thread in the outdoor growing section of this site. You mentioned that those little guys were just pelted by a solid week of rain. Is it possible that a decent rain could have beat down and/or torn the leaves? I only thought of that because it happened to my plant. It rained pretty hard for about an hour a couple of months ago. I could see my little plant getting beat up. I brought it inside within several minutes of the downpour, but it had already beat up and torn a few of the leaves. I put it back outside the next morning and it turned out just fine - so far.

Or, it could be critters. Good luck!
I agree pablo, there are a few other threads about this, but I believe it may be the rain. being that their size is small enough, and its happened to mine and they were almost that small...


Well-Known Member
well i highly doubt its the rain, i have no experiance in growing outside but im pretty sure that the rain cannot make it look as if there had been little bights taken out of the leaves. and only some have been eaten. some are just fine


Well-Known Member
Well we finally got updates. This is 2nd month 10 day or so. I think the growth is slow due to the soil lacking air. Im putting the next batch in perlite/soil. Im hoping that helps. And were getting nutes soon too. Thanks for looking



Well-Known Member
ya man it must be the soil i used fox farms ocean mix and my plant is way bigger then that and its 2 months old if i was you i would just buy some quality soil next season fox farms with some grow big and tiger bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but there is no reason to spend all this money and effort on hauling soil out there if i can just dig all the loose dirt out and mix it back in with perlite and add nutes. Were just having trouble getting this grow up on its feet real well due to not being in town. my partner hasnt been going out there to often and i just got back to town so now things will go up better. i have some seeds in germ right now that i will be putting out there. they will deffinatly get a much better start. im just hoping to atleast harvest 8-10 girls with 3 oz from each or so. ill put up new updates in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we now have gotten organic veg nutes, shovel, and a handfull of seeds a few days in germ. we plan to buy fifteen 5gallon buckets and and 15 bags of an orgnanic medium. i dug down in the dirt in the erea and i found nothing but shelf rocks a good foot down. so i decided to use 5 gallon buckets instead. Its a little more money but i think it would be worthit.

The pics are from last night and it was our first feed. And i dont know if anyone can tell bt we topped it a while back and i topped it again anout 5 days ago.



Well-Known Member
Yestereday me and my buddy went out to the spot with the whole day to get things ready for the rest of the plants. When i dug down in the ground i found alot of tiny chipped up sheet rock. So we are taking the top soil and pilling it on top of each other to make big mounds the plants can grow on. We also mixed alot of the broken rock into the piles to help get oxygen to the roots. We also decided to only use the store bought soil and 5 gallon buckets for our Macado were growing. The soil you see is for out best bag seed.



Well-Known Member
Ok, now we have a few more seeds in germ and should be done in a few days. The plant seems to be doing really well now that i have gotten back to town. I went and got some veg fert a while back. It was some organic 8-4-4 and i think its been working great. We have fed twice now, once the day my last pics were taken. The other day was yesterday. So i think the nutes did alot of good because by looking at the pictures i last posted and pics from today and the time period, there has been an easy 5 inches in growth.



Well-Known Member
So now the grow seems to be really booming with lots of pretty green and quick growth. I Think the nutes and more watering made a big difference.

And i have topped it twice now. You can see where the four main colas will be. I am thinking i will top again as well to get 8 colas.

Also i just a great seed last night from a friend. It was either 1 of 3 strains or a F1 hybrid from 2 of the 3. Mazar, Silver Pearl, and Macado. So either way im expecting good things from this slow starting operation.

