F you cannabist!!!


Well-Known Member

Ugh, some of the crap on here gives me a headache. Giving adults what they want and voted for is not an experiment. And a Denver newspaper contiunally calling it "pot", is either total ignorance or a thinly veiled attempt to continue to denigrate a virtually harmless natural plant product.

What about the Beer pavilion? Oh that's right, you are all hypocrites. Alcohol has actually killed people directly and far more indirectly than cannabis ever will. Oh and it fuels domestic violence and is highly addictive and debilitating. But you have no problem knocking em back in front of "the children", right?

It's always about the children with you people because you have no other legit argument to stand on. How about actually parenting your own kids instead of trying to bend society to your will so you don't have to?
Don't Bitch here...take your rants to those who need it ....The Denver Post ...! and rip them apart ...lol
Yeah let' all get angry and stressed.

In round numbers, Colorado legalized on 55% majority vote. That left 45% opposed. Of those 45% there are bound to be those who will continue to resist for a very long time to come. Weren't there a large number of rural folks who wanted to secede from the state in a large part because of it?

Change takes time and is difficult for the minds of humans, especially for those who feel they know what is best for others, and there are many.
al gore. i totally agree brother. take that shit straight to the post and fire their ass up. then do it again. ha ha. peace!
That was my post in the comments of the article, I was just showing you guys that others might do something similar.
Yeah let' all get angry and stressed.

In round numbers, Colorado legalized on 55% majority vote. That left 45% opposed. Of those 45% there are bound to be those who will continue to resist for a very long time to come. Weren't there a large number of rural folks who wanted to secede from the state in a large part because of it?

Change takes time and is difficult for the minds of humans, especially for those who feel they know what is best for others, and there are many.

I think it was something to do with the education in Denver, not necessarily cannabis, but I am sure it could have been a good excuse too. Something to do with NoCo having to help Denver's education systems and it made everyone angry and made NoCo want to secede... Unless we are talking about two different things, then disregard this whole post, lol.