f1rst time grower....


Active Member
ok guys, first off let me say completly new to growin. i got 8 baby plants (2weeks) but they r in the same pot..

would really appreciate some help from all u green thumbs out there ..

how much time sunlight..how do i water them ..

how long till i know male from female..

thanx allot in advance...
i have to ask the question, y would u plant 8 seeds in the same pot if there not even feminised seeds ?
relax, he is new :-(

go online and buy the book, Marijuana Horticulture, the indoor outdoor medical growers bible, by jorge cervantes.

give them 18-24 hours of sunlight until you want them to start to flower and produce buds, then you cut the hours down to 12.
water them from the top or the bottom and many other ways. I mix my food in a milk jug and water from the top.

once you start to flower them within 2-3 weeks you should be able to tell if they are male or female.


Well-Known Member
If you have more than one plant in the same pot, the roots will get tangled and you will not be able to separate them without harming the root system. If you do not transplant them into separate pots soon, you will never be able to transplant them and then will fight for water and nutrients and you will have wasted 8 seeds.

Gotta do your research before planting...


Active Member
Like everyone else said you have to separate them if possible. With that many in the same pot your going to have a lot of problems down the road as they start to mature. Remember be LIGHT on the nutes always do 1/2 of what the bottle says. Do some more research and best of luck dude!


Well-Known Member
ok guys, first off let me say completly new to growin. i got 8 baby plants (2weeks) but they r in the same pot..

would really appreciate some help from all u green thumbs out there ..

how much time sunlight..how do i water them ..

how long till i know male from female..

thanx allot in advance...
Got pics? Best of luck.


Hi all, i just started growing for personal use.
is this soil mix ok,
50% compost,
10% soil,
10% worm casting,
15% perlite and 15% vermiculite.
any suggestions to improve on this would be appreiciated.



Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty good, but you should mix in a good amount of peat. Put in the same amount as compost. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong (which I might be).