Facebook gun rights activist shot and wounded by 4-year-old son who “gets jacked up” to target shoot

Only conceded bigot rich kids sitting behind a computer who live in rich neighborhoods who have never been in the hood would not understand this .
Where exactly is the "hood"? I'm not sure that I've ever been there.
"No, you show me first." is not how these things are supposed to go, champ. At least not in adult conversations.

I doubt you have ever been in one. Duck and Hide Bearkat. You are running even from Schuylarr and that is hilarious!!!
Bearkat, since you seem to know what all of us "white supremists" view as a perfect world, what's your perfect world?
I'm not sure if I'm willing to, or even can give you my view of of a "perfect world" scenario. I'm just going to assume that we're both too busy for that because that would take a while. I'll gladly tell you what I'd settle for though. RESPECT
A 4 year old hardly knows the consequences of shooting someone; so why teach them to shoot a gun? That would be my question to the mother. It's highly irresponsible to teach a child how to use a deadly weapon. I won't laugh at this but i sure hope that woman learns her lesson. As far as all the bigoted comments; i am ashamed for all of you. It just frustrates me that people hate each other because of color or beliefs, knowing that we are in a global crisis and will all regret not spending time helping instead of throwing stones at each other. If this planet was hit by a meteor right now, none of this would mean anything.
I'm not sure if I'm willing to, or even can give you my view of of a "perfect world" scenario. I'm just going to assume that we're both too busy for that because that would take a while. I'll gladly tell you what I'd settle for though. RESPECT
How can anyone get respect when you call everyone that disagrees with something about black, racists? Or having a banner that says fuk the police? Really? I agree there's some scumbag cops out there. But there's a hell of a lot more good than bad. Many served as armed forces. Most have families. You stand behind the same attitude of the ppl that put vids up of burning and walking on the flag. Govt give handouts a plenty, you don't need to earn that....respect, that's different. Do something positive for your country
No, you're a brainwashed fool that grew up believing you're a victim.
Dude you are crazy fucking stupid. Take the david duke elementary schooling to the trump campaign. You're qualified to be cabinet level
Maybe you can reach the pinnacle Dark Knight status like Nitro.black night nitro.jpg
If not you could support senior witless rhetorician Nlxsk1 seen here with his nanny nlx as child.jpg

"you don't need to earn that....respect, that's different." "Black ppl are more racist than white."
you could not possibly have earned respect anywhere you simple fucking half ass
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Dude you are crazy fucking stupid. Take the david duke elementary schooling to the trump campaign. You're qualified to be cabinet level
Maybe you can reach the pinnacle Dark Knight status like Nitro.View attachment 3627693
If not you could support senior rhetorician Nlxsk1 seen here with his nanny View attachment 3627695

"you don't need to earn that....respect, that's different." you could not possibly have earned respect anywhere you fucking half ass

Too bad Robert Byrd is not around to teach another generation of Democrats about the KKK...
Too bad Robert Byrd is not around to teach another generation of Democrats about the KKK...
Bro stuff your kkk archives back up your ass.

You love your heritage so much you've been keeping safe up in there

"They throw bigotry, predjudice and a whole bunch of other ignorant shit under the umbrella of racism cause they are lazy and it is easy." dolt, it's a product of laziness it's a product of pervasive ignorance and privilege. Simple hick. You too are dumber than fuck. the dullest mo fo's are the most bigoted and thoughtless
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How can anyone get respect when you call everyone that disagrees with something about black, racists? Or having a banner that says fuk the police? Really? I agree there's some scumbag cops out there. But there's a hell of a lot more good than bad. Many served as armed forces. Most have families. You stand behind the same attitude of the ppl that put vids up of burning and walking on the flag. Govt give handouts a plenty, you don't need to earn that....respect, that's different. Do something positive for your country
Your mistake is that you thought that I was talking about me.
Bro stuff your kkk archives back up your ass.

You love your heritage so much you've been keeping safe up in there

"They throw bigotry, predjudice and a whole bunch of other ignorant shit under the umbrella of racism cause they are lazy and it is easy." dolt, it's a product of laziness it's a product of pervasive ignorance and privilege. Simple hick

You are the one hating bro....
Dude you are crazy fucking stupid. Take the david duke elementary schooling to the trump campaign. You're qualified to be cabinet level
Maybe you can reach the pinnacle Dark Knight status like Nitro.View attachment 3627693
If not you could support senior witless rhetorician Nlxsk1 seen here with his nanny View attachment 3627695

"you don't need to earn that....respect, that's different." "Black ppl are more racist than white."
you could not possibly have earned respect anywhere you simple fucking half ass
All you are is a copy and paste troll. Your comments show your ignorance. Just know that my lack of response to you are only because it see you as an oxygen pirate.