Wow you really have something against Christianity ?
I feel the awesome power around me at all times ... I act on it as often as I can.
This power moves in the winds ... water and light ... permeating everything.
Look into the eyes of a child .... the power is there.
wow thank you....i love you....(no homo)LOLLLLLLBongToking can not connect to a THC fiend.
Some threads are not about praise ... but
carefully positioned beacons ... for the
right voyager to discover.
Bong we will judge you as much as you want to be judged.
You are the architect.
hmmmm due to me not being able to seperate paragraphs cuz the proxy.. ima just say you are being too judgemental.. and your a fucking asshole lmfaoBUT ima just fight fire with fire and JUDGE you real quick despite me knowing its most likely false...BASED on what you said, you sound like the type of guy who has never been on acid or shrooms and just believes SOLEY in science, you wouldnt believe in Aliens even if they abducted you and stuck a golf ball into your rectum and made you shout SATURDAY.lmfao haha please excuse me for the randomness good sir oh no wait your an asshole never mind :]This is just my own opinion.... You're super fucking annoying. Most of your threads are all about your "enlightenment". I know kids like you. They have their first psychedelic experience and then all of a sudden they have all the answers. Everybody is below them because they don't "know". You're one of those new-age hippies who are more concerned with looking down on the "lesser people" and spurting out your religious pseudo-spiritual garbage while you listen to eminem.
And get the fuck outta here with that 2012 shit. While you're desperately trying to contact jesus through your mushroom trips, I'll be using science to answer the great questions.
LoL, that was fuckin' great!you wouldnt believe in Aliens even if they abducted you and stuck a golf ball into your rectum and made you shout SATURDAY.
How sweet an acquitance to the new fellow. By introducing him to Mr. Ritzed out Huxley... with superb power of mind and hallucinogensBong do you enjoy reading ... and are you familiar with Huxley ?
Tell us about your new vision, ya got my attention! xDyou guys are the shit.
to be honest i once believed in a "higher power" then became enlightened through deep depression. then after some good emotions came a bad dream. and then i had a message from god like how the LDS know whats going on because of a vision from another guy. my new vision will completely blow his out of the water. then i'm not sure what will happen after that. guess only time will tell...