well here's an update... i have no pics yet but i will post some tomorrow...
it was day 60 or 58...i would have waited another week but some fucking city inspection is going to happen in a couple weeks or less so i have to take every thing down... i'm letting the clones go for another week but will be taking shit down in the meantime. but i cut down the 2 big ladys...the sativa was way to early and only yielded mebey 2-3 oz of some medeocre bud (medeocre because it was to early) but the indica yeilded about 4-5 oz of some good ass shit even though it was about a week early... i trimmed and am drying now...will post pics tomarrow of the hole harvest...(all the weight's are aproxamit do to them not being dry yet)
so all is well and when i harvest the clones I aproximate i'll have around 7 OZ...which is not bad for 8 square feet i think with only 4 feet tall to work with.