FaCultGen's Grow:White Russian,bag seed, and soon MK-Ultra

well here's an update... i have no pics yet but i will post some tomorrow...

it was day 60 or 58...i would have waited another week but some fucking city inspection is going to happen in a couple weeks or less so i have to take every thing down... i'm letting the clones go for another week but will be taking shit down in the meantime. but i cut down the 2 big ladys...the sativa was way to early and only yielded mebey 2-3 oz of some medeocre bud (medeocre because it was to early) but the indica yeilded about 4-5 oz of some good ass shit even though it was about a week early... i trimmed and am drying now...will post pics tomarrow of the hole harvest...(all the weight's are aproxamit do to them not being dry yet)

so all is well and when i harvest the clones I aproximate i'll have around 7 OZ...which is not bad for 8 square feet i think with only 4 feet tall to work with.

ok you guys... my estimate of 7 oz was a little much... i'm thinking 5-6.

but here it is.


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so after all the bs i come out with some yummy bud. smoke reprot: lol this shit is great...i may have cut it down a little early but this shit doesn't hit you at first...then like 10-15 min later...you are blew the %&$@!! out. like it's totally a huge body buzz but also you still feel high too...but energetic...tastes great even for not being cure yet.

but anyway...thats that

i still have the 4 clones in there finishing up. they will be cut down this weekend...i would let them go longer but the fucking city is going to inspect all buildings all apartments for code violations in 2 ish weeks so it's got to go... it sux to cause my gf (also roommate) isn't letting me grow again...so i'm getting my own place :weed:

but that won't be till april or may. soooo... i guess i'm done growing for the next couple months.

but i am going to order one of these:

buy-the-homebox.com - universal indoor grow box kit

and my next grow will be amazing... i know i can clone now lol, and i'll be doing all clones/sog ...hawiian snow, sensi star, white russian and mk ultra.
got them all waiting to go. the hawiian snow in a sog may or may not work... but i gonna try anyway...

so thats it for this log...thank you all for all the help and advice

ok i know i said this one was over but i figured i would show you guys the clones last days... so hear they are at 8 weeks... i'll be cutting them down to marrow...or mebey the next day... but i would let them go longer but as previously stated can not for various reasons.

but hear they are today at day 58-60...


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