failed grow 8 days. please help so i don't make the same mistake

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
more info needed but I would check your temps. nO REASON FOR 400 WATTS YET imo STICK WITH CFLS UNTIL THEY ARE A LIL BIGGER.


Active Member
It looks like you burned them with the light. Pipe Dream had it down to use CFL's in the beginning stage. Also, make sure you only use regular cheapo potting soil (no nutes added) for the first week or two.


Active Member
yeah no nutes had been added yet, also i have now got a 125w cfl blue, would that work for 2 plants? are the plants fixable or should i just start again arghhhh


Well-Known Member
Looks like they were fine at six days old - happening so quickly, I would say most likely, you fried them with the light. Better to start them out with a floro tube or CFL, first week or two. Also moniter the temps in your grow area.


Well-Known Member
That's a lot of stress for so young a plant - probably better to start again. Even with that CFL though, you have to watch your temps!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
start over could also be moisture or soil you light looks far enough away but 400 w a waste of electricity

125watt cfl would be good for all of veg I would think flower with 400 grow a few more so u gaurantee female or your wasting your time and energy

read the faqs


Active Member
yeah my temp was a problem thats why i had to have the door open a bit (see youtube vid) always around 35-40 celcius. which made me have to water them regulary