Failure! Everything Was Ruined!


Greetings Fellow Farmers,

I am sad to report that the harvest was a dismal failure.

I was absolutely devastated by caterpillars of various sizes.

I am ashamed and I seek information in order to avoid the pests in the future.


you growing indoors or out? caterpillars are from moths and butterflies. if you are growing indoors, it should be fairly easy to stop in the future. quit leaving the door, window, w/e open, make sure they can't come in your exhaust, attracted by the light.
if you're growing outdoors, you can plant rosemary, peppermint, (^)clove, thyme...probably others, that will deter moths. you can also spray plants pre flower with the oil of any of those, to help repel them, but they all have a strong odor and taste that lasts a long time, if you spray them on buds, you'll have clove or w/e flavored buds. there are wasps that lay eggs on them that hatch out and eat them alive, and praying mantises love them, too. both can be bought online, delivered to your door.
if it gets bad, you can go to something like biothur or spruzit, sprays made from bacillus that work pretty well, but may be a little rough on your plants
use BT as a preventative next time i also learned the hard way but was able to save most of my crop. make sure you spray at sunset cuz thats when those moth bastards like to lay the eggs on your buds. i drenched my buds in bt and when inspecting em closely the next day id find small catepillars that were dead from eating my shit that had bt on it
BT is Bacillus Thuringiensis, a strain of bacteria which kills caterpillars when they eat it.
@Sir Napsalot Told you the correct information. I was going to show you a product that had this key ingredient and more. IT is not cheap and not like spinasod or forbid or eagle 20..


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NOTHING comes Close to this. It is Expensive. You can have the Lambo of Inseticides or get a ford Pinto..
Greetings Fellow Farmers,

I am sad to report that the harvest was a dismal failure.

I was absolutely devastated by caterpillars of various sizes.

I am ashamed and I seek information in order to avoid the pests in the future.


Greetings Fellow Farmers,

I am sad to report that the harvest was a dismal failure.

I was absolutely devastated by caterpillars of various sizes.

I am ashamed and I seek information in order to avoid the pests in the future.


I got my ass kicked by those no good freeloading creatures too. It’s almost an unwinnable battle it seems like. They say use BT but don’t use it too far into flowering. The problem with that is that these things will lay their eggs all the way through flowering. So how the hell do we beat these things? The only solution I was able to come up with is mosquito netting. I’m wondering if anyone has built an enclosure covered with netting. Why would moths lay their eggs on our buds if they’re just going to die. I HATE THEM!!!!!
Bt spray has saved my crop. It is quickly effective and completely safe. But, it is only effective if you thoroughly check your plants daily and apply immediately. Within 24 hours your plants can get over run and covered in worm shit.
@Sir Napsalot Told you the correct information. I was going to show you a product that had this key ingredient and more. IT is not cheap and not like spinasod or forbid or eagle 20..


View attachment 4038624 View attachment 4038625
NOTHING comes Close to this. It is Expensive. You can have the Lambo of Inseticides or get a ford Pinto..

Azaguard doesnt have BT in it. It's just an azadirachtin extract which comes from Neem Oil.

Dipel is one of the best BT products on the market.
Azaguard doesnt have BT in it. It's just an azadirachtin extract which comes from Neem Oil.

Dipel is one of the best BT products on the market.
Whats the other 97 % unlisted Ingrients.

Are you saying this to be 100% Fact
2 ) Have you used this product ever .
3) Do you have a pesticides license?

Im just figuring your expertise on this specific product.

Again how do you know it doesnt contain BT in it? (Not to argue either)
Did you know of this product Prior to me posting.

Or did you check the material data sheet on it?
If it contained BT, they wouldnt suggest combining it with BT like they do in the picture you posted that says "Suggested Tank mix combinations"

If it had BT in it, it would be listed as an active ingredient. Pesticide labels are strictly regulated, they are required to list any active ingredients.
Greetings Fellow Farmers,

I am sad to report that the harvest was a dismal failure.

I was absolutely devastated by caterpillars of various sizes.

I am ashamed and I seek information in order to avoid the pests in the future.



Check out a product called Thuricide. I've used it in the past for caterpillars. It's a bacteria based pesticide and is very effective against worms.