Fake or cheap genuine QB?

Kia can make their own hybrids, but they can't call it a Prius. Well maybe if they were built in China, lol.

If you have a runny nose just ask for a tissue. Then someone can give you a Kleenex, or a generic brand tissue.
You’re right, you’re right. cuz that’s what most people do.

Most argumentative board on the internet.
That actually is what I call it, a tissue. Maybe I'm hypersensitive from my youth working in a photocopy shop. People were always coming in asking for a "Xerox" of some documents, but we only had Minolta photocopy machines.
Well it's obviously a fake but that said some of the fakes out there perform pretty well. The downside is their customer support and the high failure rate.
this is my concern, i just baught 2 ts600 mars hydro lights for giggles, got them both for 112 gb pounds from a private seller, not from mars hydro and am concerned about there longevity and failier rate too
The other difference is that the H version are specifically made for horticulture - might be why they use 'H' as the model but that's just a guess - and they have a very thin, I think 70 micron, film of a clear plastic sprayed over the diode to protect it from moisture and splashes of liquid.

They are the same diodes, it's just that only top bin are sold as LM301H.

A quantum board is simply a bunch of leds on a flat surface. HLG coined the term but its like saying Kleenex is the only company that makes real snot rags.

That page is just some guy writing reviews to collect money from Amazon. Half the people here are more qualified to review lights.

"I always used fluorescent bulbs to light my garden, but decided a few months ago to switch to LED for the majority of my lighting and use my fluorescent lights as supplemental lighting. "

This is at the bottom of that review and almost all other LED grow light reviews.

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@1212ham ....that may be, not relevant to the question I answered. I wasn’t commenting on the quality of any specific light. I simply answered someones question on what makes a quantum board. It simply explains what a quantum board physically is.

My answer had nothing to do with a specific light, but naturally folks here turn everything...literally everything into a “that’s shit, mines better”. If someone asked what a spoon is and you linked to a generic spoon It would take two posts for it to turn to “that spoons crap....joes spoons are top of the line, look at these amazon reviews and so on Turning it into useless babble for the newbs.

It’s likely the reason folks with real knowledge to pass along just read posts and don’t offer help. The place is a mud pit full of keyboard cowboys.
I don’t understand why people are so hellbent on proprietary name BS. They probably have some generic water in their fridge and off brand Tylenol in there medicine cabinet.

It’s like saying you wouldn’t use a Hortilux CMH bulb because it’s not a Phillips. Or you wouldn’t use a Samsung or Apple smart watch because Seiko made one first. Such a dumb philosophy by a bunch of brand bandwagoners. I even own HLG lights and I don’t know why people get so sensitive over damn lighting nowadays. Competition is necessary. Imitation is flattery. If products were copying your design, you wouldn’t be concerned about it unless they posed a threat.
@1212ham ....that may be, not relevant to the question I answered. I wasn’t commenting on the quality of any specific light. I simply answered someones question on what makes a quantum board. It simply explains what a quantum board physically is.

My answer had nothing to do with a specific light, but naturally folks here turn everything...literally everything into a “that’s shit, mines better”. If someone asked what a spoon is and you linked to a generic spoon It would take two posts for it to turn to “that spoons crap....joes spoons are top of the line, look at these amazon reviews and so on Turning it into useless babble for the newbs.

It’s likely the reason folks with real knowledge to pass along just read posts and don’t offer help. The place is a mud pit full of keyboard cowboys.

Except that the answer you are presenting is wrong. You want to know what a "Quantum Board" physically is? It an LED printed circuit board made by HLG, nothing more. Why can't everyone other than HLG just call their boards what they are, LED PCB's?

I don’t understand why people are so hellbent on proprietary name BS. They probably have some generic water in their fridge and off brand Tylenol in there medicine cabinet.

It’s like saying you wouldn’t use a Hortilux CMH bulb because it’s not a Phillips. Or you wouldn’t use a Samsung or Apple smart watch because Seiko made one first. Such a dumb philosophy by a bunch of brand bandwagoners. I even own HLG lights and I don’t know why people get so sensitive over damn lighting nowadays. Competition is necessary. Imitation is flattery. If products were copying your design, you wouldn’t be concerned about it unless they posed a threat.

I got no problem with off brands. I use off-brand ibuprofen, but I don't call it Advil. Why? Because it's NOT Advil ffs. What's so hard about using the correct words?

I'm fairly certain that if anyone here invented a product, and came up with a brand new name for it, would be pretty annoyed to have other companies not only steal their idea but also steal their product name as it was some word we've been using for centuries. Why can't people just play fair?
Except that the answer you are presenting is wrong. You want to know what a "Quantum Board" physically is? It an LED printed circuit board made by HLG, nothing more. Why can't everyone other than HLG just call their boards what they are, LED PCB's?

I got no problem with off brands. I use off-brand ibuprofen, but I don't call it Advil. Why? Because it's NOT Advil ffs. What's so hard about using the correct words?

I'm fairly certain that if anyone here invented a product, and came up with a brand new name for it, would be pretty annoyed to have other companies not only steal their idea but also steal their product name as it was some word we've been using for centuries. Why can't people just play fair?

Because QB is much easier to reference than "diodes on PCB with heatsink". It's just referring to LED's placed on a PCB, "quantum board" isn't some breakthrough technology. You don't see TV & monitor manufacturers fighting over marketing with coined terms such as "LCD panels" or automotive manufacturers fighting over "GDI" or "DCT". Yes, those are all designs a singular person or company originally created, yet are marketed by the masses at this point. If you really made some breakthrough technology that you had confidence in, you would have open-source patents like Elon Musk did with Tesla and welcome others to try to imitate your product. The world isn't a fair place and I'm tired of all this legal mumbo jumbo BS. If another company can improve a product, or make it cheaper, then so be it. Competition is what creates progress and prevents the monopolies we have to deal with.
Because QB is much easier to reference than "diodes on PCB with heatsink". It's just referring to LED's placed on a PCB, "quantum board" isn't some breakthrough technology. You don't see TV & monitor manufacturers fighting over marketing with coined terms such as "LCD panels" or automotive manufacturers fighting over "GDI" or "DCT". Yes, those are all designs a singular person or company originally created, yet are marketed by the masses at this point. If you really made some breakthrough technology that you had confidence in, you would have open-source patents like Elon Musk did with Tesla and welcome others to try to imitate your product. The world isn't a fair place and I'm tired of all this legal mumbo jumbo BS. If another company can improve a product, or make it cheaper, then so be it. Competition is what creates progress and prevents the monopolies we have to deal with.
Wrong again. Only LG can call their TV's OLED. And only Samsung can call theirs QLED. No other company can call them OLED or QLED. Well maybe in China, lol.
Because QB is much easier to reference than "diodes on PCB with heatsink". It's just referring to LED's placed on a PCB, "quantum board" isn't some breakthrough technology. You don't see TV & monitor manufacturers fighting over marketing with coined terms such as "LCD panels" or automotive manufacturers fighting over "GDI" or "DCT". Yes, those are all designs a singular person or company originally created, yet are marketed by the masses at this point. If you really made some breakthrough technology that you had confidence in, you would have open-source patents like Elon Musk did with Tesla and welcome others to try to imitate your product. The world isn't a fair place and I'm tired of all this legal mumbo jumbo BS. If another company can improve a product, or make it cheaper, then so be it. Competition is what creates progress and prevents the monopolies we have to deal with.
It's called common decency to respect other companies' brand names. You can bet your britches that Sony will sue the ass off any other manufacture who tries to call their TV's "Bravia". The term LCD panel is a generic term which has a specific definition, unlike the brand name "Quantum Board".

Your excuse for calling them QB's is that you're too lazy to call em LED PCB's or LED boards? It's a whole 4 to 6 more letters to type.
I just find it funny that back in the HPS days the forums were such a great and helpful community and ever since LED's launched there is just a bunch of toxicity. Reminds me of the Prius episode from South Park.

It's bashing on "shitty blurples", "China knockoffs", "I only support stuff USA made". Members roasting others for their plants or set ups. This forum lacks any sense of common decency.
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I just find it funny that back in the HPS days the forums were such a great and helpful community and ever since LED's launched there is just a bunch of toxicity. Reminds me of the Prius episode from South Park.

It's bashing on "shitty blurples", "China knockoffs", "I only support stuff USA made". Members roasting others for their plants or set ups. This forum lacks any sense of common decency.
No one bashed on any of that in this thread. The question is was the board a genuine QB or not. Clearly the answer is no, but people are somehow offended and want to debate that fact.
Are you happy with your lights? Only answer to the OPs question is his own. Bought too much USA junk.
No one bashed on any of that in this thread. The question is was the board a genuine QB or not. Clearly the answer is no, but people are somehow offended and want to debate that fact.

It's just ironic to me what is defined as a genuine QB. Why not ask if it is a genuine HLG? Since those two seem to be synonymous. It's just some diodes slapped on a PCB with a driver so it doesn't really matter what fancy name it has. Toss some Samsung pepperonis and some Meanwell Marinara on some crust and you have a pizza, quantum pizza, same thing.

I do agree that Chinese companies shouldn't market their lights as "HLG, SPYDER, Gavita, etc.", but the QB thing I find funny. It's such a basic simple concept, why did HLG need to call them Quantum Boards in the first place? Why not LED PCB's?