False Flag Backfires But Is Still Successful


Well-Known Member
They passed a law requiring gun dealers to maintain records of and report people buying guns.
i guess op fazt and furious worked!

Looks like ill b on that list then...

I love my 2nd amendment and i love my guns!

QUOTE=beardo;6932315]This one is new, it keeps track of people who buy more than one gun[/QUOTE]
Uh, they do that all the time bud..

Thats why you fill out the paperwork nd background check...
The background check records are thrown away after the background check is completed. keeping paperwork on who is buying worries me.

If you are smart you will buy guns without ever doing a background check, without the seller ever knowing your name and with zero paper trail.
Only in 4 southern border states!! Obama cleaning up Holders mess!

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday, in a victory for the Obama administration, upheld new federal rules requiring gun dealers in four states bordering Mexico to report the sales of multiple semi-automatic rifles, despite a challenge by the gun industry.

The administration issued the reporting requirements last year despite opposition from the gun industry as part of a stepped-up effort to clamp down on the weapons flowing across the border to violent drug cartels in Mexico.

The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ordered more than 8,000 gun dealers in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California to report the sale within five business days of two or more semiautomatic rifles to the same person.
This one is new, it keeps track of people who buy more than one gun
I used to be a firearms dealer 20 years back. The multi gun report was on the books back then. Anyone buying more than five weapons at a time, or in one month, required a report to be sent in.
It's just another GOP sensationalist ploy to make the general sheep.. err... populace think that O'Bama is out to get their guns. This is going to be a busy year for propaganda.
It's just another GOP sensationalist ploy to make the general sheep.. err... populace think that O'Bama is out to get their guns. This is going to be a busy year for propaganda.
Come late summer it will time to hang the TV up till Nov, every channel will be nothing but the ELECTION!!!

Obama knows he takes a big chance any gun legislation with lots of voters on both sides of the aisle; and that is if it would even pass either house to become law.

Current interpretation from the Supreme Court is the 2nd Amendment stands and cant be "overly" infringed. So he is buying his time on guns, he knows if he holds a 2nd term he will most likely get to pick the next supremeee..... If he gets (which he will) a nominee with a more liberal view then the outgoing one, then the liberal side of the court will have the power to pass their opposing interpretation when the argument is brought back before them!
SAR = Suspicious Activity Report. If you work in a bank they make you take these Federal Tests. One is supposed to notice suspicious activity. Not is it, 10k that triggers a report, but if you are a person who rarely deposits cash, or you do 10 k in one month (not just one transaction) If you have a large cash business and you do it all the time it is not suspicious. So if you deposit some cash (I do not know why you would?) But if you do, tell them you finally sold that whatever, to make the teller feel it is believable.
Or you may stand a chance of that form being filled out. Trust me. I worked in Corporate, for a bank. I was often scored low for NOT being aware of suspicious activities. I just did not notice it.... . ,
SAR = Suspicious Activity Report. If you work in a bank they make you take these Federal Tests. One is supposed to notice suspicious activity. Not is it, 10k that triggers a report, but if you are a person who rarely deposits cash, or you do 10 k in one month (not just one transaction) If you have a large cash business and you do it all the time it is not suspicious. So if you deposit some cash (I do not know why you would?) But if you do, tell them you finally sold that whatever, to make the teller feel it is believable.
Or you may stand a chance of that form being filled out. Trust me. I worked in Corporate, for a bank. I was often scored low for NOT being aware of suspicious activities. I just did not notice it.... . ,

I was told by a bank employee that it is 5K now.
I buy guns from individuals.

Its nobodys fucking business but mine.

"Those who would trade their gun for a plow will soon plow for those who did not"- T Jefferson, I believe.