Family Drama. Don't no what to do :(


Well-Known Member
Tell me this isn't highly suspicious. I Will try to keep this short as possible if i can.

My cousin that i'll call 'H' had her kids taken away from her last may and was put in the care of their father and his girlfriend.

My cousin 'H' is a nurse. She has went back to school (while still working) to get the degree she needs to further her career in the medical field. The ex-husband is a bum, and a nasty ass mother fucker that doesn't support his kids. After 3 years my cousin decided to force him to start paying for his 3 kids.. This pissed off the ex-husband like no other. The judge ordered him to pay $350, because at the time he was driving a big rig. A Week later, the ex-husband quit his job like a dumb ass thinking he wouldn't have to pay the child support.

The ex-husband girlfriend called my cousin 'H' and told her that she would regret what she was did, and she would make her life a living hell and make sure she never sees her kids again, because she had pull in that county. My cousin didn't think anything of it and 2 weeks later dfcs took the kids and my cousins daughter said the son of my cousins boyfriend (that was a marine and the two was planing on getting married btw).. raped her. Well, this turned out to be a lie and the lady from dfcs let the kids come home and said the investigation was over. Two days later out of the blue, my cousin got a summoned to court and to bring the kids.. Well the judge took the kids and placed them in the home of the ex-husband and the girl friend and told my cousin 'H' that she had to do parenting classes and this and that and the other thing and before the kids could come home, the boy (that was proven to be innocent) was not allowed to be in the same home as them..

So instead of fighting it, she did everything and split up with her boyfriend and moved into a nice 4 bed room house. (same size she was living in before). The judge placed the kids in a single wide trailer (with 3 other kids... that makes 8 people living in a rotting down single wide trailer), where the floor was falling in and the back bedroom roof was leaking and floor rotting. On top of that, the father has been arrested for drugs in the past and the girlfriend was convicted Cruelty to children several years before. My cousin 'H' has never had even a ticket.

My cousin 'H' finally got her kids back in November 2013. Well, the ex-husband was wanting to claim the kids on his income taxes . My cousin filed claimed her kids on her income taxes and this infuriated the ex-husband and his girlfriend and they called and told my cousin 'H' that if she didn't give them her income tax money, that she would regret it! My cousin told them they weren't getting a dime of the money. Well the next thing you no, when my cousin went to pick up her kids from their fathers (because he had visitations that weekend) dfcs and the police were there and would let her take her kids. Apparently another guy molested her daughter..... but this time the daughter told them her mother sit there and watched him!

On top of all this, yesterday my cousin boss called her and told her to come to the office. When she got there, it was a surprise drug test. The told her that there that someone reported her for doing drugs.... My cousin passed the drug test. There is only 2 people that would do such a thing and that's her ex-husband and his girlfriend.!

The daughter is 11, and when her and the kids stayed with us one weekend i heard the daughter tell her mother twice that she would have her dad call dfcs again all because my cousin 'H' was trying to make her go to sleep and took the ipad away from her.. she cried and pitched a fit threatening to get her dad to call dfcs again.... AND the next day, she threaten my cousin 'H' again with dfcs because my cousin 'H' refused to go buy her McDonalds!! She is a brat.... well, she's a little bitch and i think its because she didn't get spanked! Damn, we love the child and there is nothing we wouldn't do for her, but if she doesn't get her way, she becomes a little psycho bitch!

I've already called her brother off because he was going down there and kick in the door and whip his ass, but i told him to stop by here first . He did and we smoked a joint and i talked him out of it.. I Told him the time wasn't right yet, and you would only make it worse for his sister so just go back home

What would you do? I'm like my cousin ('H's Brother)... I Want to run down there and beat the living shit out of him because he needs a good ass whipping, they will keep doing this over and over again if not. But i'm looking for non violent options. Any suggestions on what she can do? Because without a shadow of a doubt, the girlfriend has someone in that county on her side. The lawyer said there is something very fishy about it and they would get to the bottom of it.... but that's a lawyer that just wants money.
I'm not exactly sure but can't you get the phone calls subpoenaed to show the extortion and tax fraud and general human worthlessness?
If it is really like you say, go to the local media. Many local TV news stations do investigative journalism and are easy enough to contact. Children are supposed to be where it is best for them, and not used as pawns or vengeance\fallout from parental conflicts. If the municipal court\child welfare dept. can't see thru such flagrant bullshit there is an issue somewhere that warrants some accounting for.
Hahahahahahahahaha get some friends to chat with buddy instead of sharing your life story with a bunch of strangers.

Hahahahahahahahahaha get some friends to chat with buddy instead of negatively commenting on a stranger's life story.
I'm not exactly sure but can't you get the phone calls subpoenaed to show the extortion and tax fraud and general human worthlessness?

They could tell that one number called the other but no way to tell what was said. Texts would be a different story. Either way I didnt read the op and have no advice.
Cool thanks for clarifying.

Tape recorder the next time?
Depends on what State your in. You might want to look up wiretapping laws. In my state it's perfectly fine because you're allowed to record a conversation as long as you're a part of it. But some places are completely screwy because of it. I mean you CAN use it as evidence and win things over but we all know how the state works. They can turn around and just hit you for federal wiretapping charges. Which chances are they'll do. It's kind of a gamble if you're in a place that doesn't allow it. Dance around those legal boundaries if that's the case.
A lot of cell phones have built in programs that record voice calls. If not you could/should invest in an app that does. If it's a landline stream it through a comp.
did anyone else have the song "Dueling Banjos" start playing in their head while reading that??

I am just jokeing around kor420, I trully hope things get better down in the holler
Hahahahahahahahahaha get some friends to chat with buddy instead of negatively commenting on a stranger's life story.
I don't know I think the whole story belongs on some kind of hillbilly reality show. Putting your shit out on the front porch like this just proves it. index.jpg
It's some fucked up shit, but as far as my cousin being a hillbilly, she is far from it. She has a great education and a good job and never been in any trouble in her life! Now the ex-husband on the other hand ....
been there, done that,got the tee shirt...........All she can do is hold her head high,be patient and hopefully she can bring his nastiness to light for the judge.
The lawyer said that the county just wasn't allowed to place kids in a home in that kind of condition, and placing a kid in a home where someone that has been convicted of child abuse in the past was a big no no. The lawyer said that it sounds like she has someone in that county in her back pocket and that she would get to the bottom of it and launch an investigation (for $$$$$$$$$ lol)... She said if they had too, that they would get the state involved and if it's proven that she has someone on the inside helping her do this, that they would sue the county and the ex and the girlfriend! The whole family has pulled together and paid a little to get this moving forward for my cousin.
Hahahahahahahahaha get some friends to chat with buddy instead of sharing your life story with a bunch of strangers.

Sometimes sharing with strangers helps the person release everything off their chest instead of holding it in. It make the person feel slightly better.
Sometimes sharing with strangers helps the person release everything off their chest instead of holding it in. It make the person feel slightly better.

don't waste your breath with some of these tools around here.They don't always deserve an answer.(don't feed the trolls)
don't waste your breath with some of these tools around here.They don't always deserve an answer.(don't feed the trolls)
Why is it when somebody disagrees and makes a comment they are labeled trolls. I for one think this is stupid shit and I say so. I am no troll. If you want to play Dr. Phil then go ahead. But don't start flapping your cocksuckers about trolls.
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