Fan issues! Help is very appreciated!


Hey guys i ordered a couple 80cm x 80cm 12v fans for my stealth grow, and the fans are a little to loud for comfort! What can i do to muffle/quiet the sound a little bit?

Thanks guys :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They would not spin

Have you thought about trying a different make or type of fan?

There are hundreds of them out there, try ebay


New Member
What would happen if i plugged it to a 5v power source?
5v is too low... for most fans it wont even start up the fan... ive found taht 9v is about as low as you can o before the fan just starts spinning and not moving any air...

or keep runnin your 12v circuit and make one of these

not only is it a good excuse to go to walmart but you can steal ur gf socks and make an odor eliminator... this will muffle your sound and make your exhaust odor free because your girls are gonna be stinkin up the whole room u got the cabinet in...

i built one of these and i have a new cab... clones died got new seeds so im gonna try to do this again and see if i get any odor...


Thanks for the info. I have something like that already made up but i could only find one cup, so i tried pouring the carbon in there and putting it over my fan and all it does it make the fan push the air out of its backside...


New Member
Thanks for the info. I have something like that already made up but i could only find one cup, so i tried pouring the carbon in there and putting it over my fan and all it does it make the fan push the air out of its backside...
if you can manage to find a victor and if the fans are 3 wire then you can get a pwm microconroller and run the fan that way... find the most efficient way to move as much air while keeping it quiet