Fan Leaf Blunt?

Thanks to Dr. Feelgood, and I hope I didn't botch the article too bad. Hope this helps answer the original question.
Sounds like a headache in multiple ways. If you want all natural blunt(-ish) but don't want to use a cigar, why not use rolling paper made from hemp? Or at least the non-bleeched.
I agree, a lot of work. I tried it once, and I found the leaves very hard to work with once boiled. They were very fragile and had a tendency to stick to themselves. I'll get it one day though, his pics had me drooling. Just need to find me someone who grows monster leaves instead of the monster buds I like to grow ;-)
There was a guy on here a few weeks ago that had fan leaves on his plant the size of my head they were crazy. I think he said they measured 11 inchs.
Why is the first thing I thought of when I read this thread name!

I was honestly surprised that people had put some real thought into this. Tobacco leaves are used to roll cigars because tobacco leaves are what contain the drugs, and because I believe most tobacco leaves are a large enough size to make them easy to use this way.

Now on to cannabis.......

With cannabis I'm sure you can do this as someone mentioned he read about it in a book. I think the key would be finding large fan leaves. My fan leaves never get huge due in part to the strain I run and the way I grow small single cola plants. If you had some large fan leaves, I think first you would want them dried before you tried to use them or else they will never smoke period(just like tobacco leaves) Then I think they would likely stick to themselves once they were rewet just like using a green leaf cigar to roll a blunt. If not a little hash oil along the edge would surely hold it.

Now to the WHY? I smoke blunts daily, and yes this would save me money buying cigars everyday. However it seems like it would be a huge amount of extra work. I can twist up a blunt in a few minutes, messing with leaves would greatly increase that. Anyway thats my 2 cents on the subject.

Peace TC

Maybe you might have luck making your own cannabis paper with a homemade paper making kit. then cut the paper to size.
Now sure if you were saying that to me since you quoted my post, but thats not a bad idea. I personally just by blunts and ROLL IT UP!
I was really thinking of an all natural, er, all cannibus alternative would be appealing to some people. I love a blunt, but the last time I smoked one, I was also smoking cigarettes. Im a little concerned that if I smoked a blunt now, I would start wanting a cigarette again. Thats a headache I don't need.
I smoke 2 blunts daily and I used to smoke cigarettes n quit and by no means does a tasty blunt wrap make me want a nasty ass cigarette again once u quit tabacco it smells like shit.
This would taste worse than smoking a blunt with a tobacco leaf...And I fucking hate tobacco!! I'm just saying, I can't imagine how terrible a smoked fan leaf would taste.

I could understand rolling up a really big sugar leaf, though!!!
Just saying hey man :) Funny how your another person somewhere, you're here right this very moment, the only thing we truly have.
I find this thread Most Perplexing.

if one wished to roll a cannabis cigar with fan leaves, thats doable, but not particularly useful.
it would however be a cannabis cigar, a dope doobie, a Pot Cheroot, or a Weed Cigarillo, but not a "blunt"

of course the entire "blunt" phenomenon is confusing as fuck to me.
the "blunt wrapper" is just brown rolling paper with chemical flaourings sprayed on it, not an actual tobacco leaf.

if i wished a tobacco flavoured spliff, i would blend tobacco into my weed, or roll the dope up in a tobacco leaf.

and as for the question of how you would smoke your dope if you were unable to get "blunt wraps" phillies blunts to cut open for their paper, or the packet of zigzags in my wallet, you guys are aware you can make a pipe from a reed, and a pocketknife. shit you can make a bong from an old milk jug or a canteen. even a discarded beer can can become a pipe.

if worst comes to worst, i keep a pocket book of psalms in my glovebox... (im not even christian, but the pages are so thin)