fan leaf removal


Active Member
hi. i been dong this only 3 years come march. learning as i go. todays inquiry, is on fan leaves. their uses, when to remove. or at all? for the last few days, on my two outdoor jack herers, i have been removing the fan leaves as they fade. some just beginning to fade. my thought, is to take advantage of the sun thats left, getting it to more bud. funny. two plant side by side; sister plants. one is real faded, the other is way slower.. anyway, i have not really hit on this subject. ir removing fan leaves a regular practice, to improve yield? if so, when to start. i just mostly take the fading ones off. easy enough. thanks for any imput.


Active Member
The fan leaves are there for a reason. They absorb light and produce energy so the plant can make more bud. Think of them as solar panels, the fewer panels you have the less energy. Also those "faded" leaves you are removing also provide energy, let them fall off on their own. The plant is pulling nutrients out of them, once the plant has gotten everything it can out of those leaves they will drop off.


Active Member
thanks. their is still plenty left. ill stop pulling any but ones that are about to drop. thanks!!