Fan leaf tips curling upwards & browning?

Gday, sorry for late reply I got sick. I was able to do exactly what you said, thank goodness too because my plants were getting burnt up. I put the fan and filter on a plank of wood and put the pipe through the top hole of the tent. Its working very well thankyou. I've zip tied the light to the pole to get it as high as possible, wish I could get a bigger tent. I have a new problem that I noticed yesterday, I believe I have powdery mildew now :wall: I removed the worst affected leaves and have sprayed the whole plant with neem oil which is what I had on hand but I'm worried as their in early flower and it will ruin everything if I can't get it under control, I'm getting a dehumidifier to put inside the tent tomorrow. I'm sure they got it due to the high humidity, it's humid here at the moment so it's difficult to get it under control. Any advice on what to do? Thanks very much
Forgot to add pictures.


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It doesn't look bad yet, you can nip this in the bud real quick. Spray the plant every inch of it with milk and water at a ratio of 30% milk 70% water, whole or skim doesn't matter. Spray it down till its dripping. The milk water mixture will not hurt the plant at all so dont be afraid of using too much. Make sure you do this when your lights just come on, the anti fungal effect of the milk protein is activated with light. Make sure you get every square inch of the plant, and also spray every inch of exposed soil till its wet, and the pot ( don't forget underneath the pot) . If you have a few minutes wipe down your entire tent with alcohol or white vinegar, don't forget to wipe down your light. You could also Lysol the area around the outside of your grow tent. Repeat process again in 10 days and then monitor your plant to see if it comes back, it shouldn't come back.

Powdery mildew grows at temps of between 62 and 86F and develops fastest between 70 F and 80 F, and humidity higher than 40%, the higher the humidity the faster the growth. Good luck, let me know how it goes.
It doesn't look bad yet, you can nip this in the bud real quick. Spray the plant every inch of it with milk and water at a ratio of 30% milk 70% water, whole or skim doesn't matter. Spray it down till its dripping. The milk water mixture will not hurt the plant at all so dont be afraid of using too much. Make sure you do this when your lights just come on, the anti fungal effect of the milk protein is activated with light. Make sure you get every square inch of the plant, and also spray every inch of exposed soil till its wet, and the pot ( don't forget underneath the pot) . If you have a few minutes wipe down your entire tent with alcohol or white vinegar, don't forget to wipe down your light. You could also Lysol the area around the outside of your grow tent. Repeat process again in 10 days and then monitor your plant to see if it comes back, it shouldn't come back.

Powdery mildew grows at temps of between 62 and 86F and develops fastest between 70 F and 80 F, and humidity higher than 40%, the higher the humidity the faster the growth. Good luck, let me know how it goes.
Thankyou very much. That's good to hear because I've put alot into it, next grow I anticipate will be easier now that I've made all the mistakes already. I will get onto spraying the milk water mixture as soon as the lights are coming on again and wipe down the tent and everything with white vinegar. I have no idea what Lysol is, I'll search it up now. I read about using baking soda but then once it dries how would you know what's baking soda and what's the mildew on the plant. I did see that neem oil can work but it smells like bad body odour so I'm sort of glad I don't have to use that again. Will the milk go funny and smell bad too? Still, better than sweat smell I'm sure lol. Thanks again, I'll keep you posted
Thankyou very much. That's good to hear because I've put alot into it, next grow I anticipate will be easier now that I've made all the mistakes already. I will get onto spraying the milk water mixture as soon as the lights are coming on again and wipe down the tent and everything with white vinegar. I have no idea what Lysol is, I'll search it up now. I read about using baking soda but then once it dries how would you know what's baking soda and what's the mildew on the plant. I did see that neem oil can work but it smells like bad body odour so I'm sort of glad I don't have to use that again. Will the milk go funny and smell bad too? Still, better than sweat smell I'm sure lol. Thanks again, I'll keep you posted
The milk will only smell like cheese for maybe a day or two at most then it will go away. Lysol is just an area disinfectant spray. Not safe for plants but outside the grow room itll be fine to use. Make sure you reapply the milk in about another 10 days. Good luck
The milk will only smell like cheese for maybe a day or two at most then it will go away. Lysol is just an area disinfectant spray. Not safe for plants but outside the grow room itll be fine to use. Make sure you reapply the milk in about another 10 days. Good luck
Thanks heaps for that, I did everything you said and it seems to be much better already. There's still some white spots on some leaves, I took more leaves off that had the most spots on them. I will spray again in 10 days which I think will have it completely gone. I heightened the light to pretty much as high as it will go, I'm going to see if I can get it any higher tomorrow by literally zip tying it to the top poles but after that they will have to just deal I suppose. I'm going to train the next plant I grow for sure, bad mistake not training these but because they are auto I thought they wouldn't grow this tall, ooopsy. Some of the leaves still look pretty sick, is that because of the powdery mildew? It seems to be showing symptoms of a variety of issues, like some have little holes in the leaf, some are quite dry and brittle, some have burnt looking tips, some have weird rusty patches on them. It all could be due to stress from the trimming because of the mildew plus the light being too close for a few days? Just incase I'll attach some pictures, bit of a worry this late in the grow. I'm hoping the mini dehumidifier will do the trick for the higher humidity with the fans, if not I'll have to get an intake fan maybe. They shouldn't have any deficiency as I've been giving cal mag once to twice a week & the flower boost on top of the professor's original A & B which it says to do so they get plenty of nutes, possibly too many nutes because they are autos? Thankyou again for all your help (:


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Those leaves dont look too bad at all. Might have some sort of bugs munching on them. I cant really tell though. Just keep doing what you were doing before the mold and you should be fine. Powdery mildew will stress out a plant too.
Those leaves dont look too bad at all. Might have some sort of bugs munching on them. I cant really tell though. Just keep doing what you were doing before the mold and you should be fine. Powdery mildew will stress out a plant too.
Yeah it looks like some kind of bug chewing on the leaves but I can't see any trace of a bug. Okie doke will do, thanks very much