Fan Leafs are all dying!


Well-Known Member
lofl and yet u still dispute facts...what swrong with u ppl? they test thc level and they test cbd levels so what are u again trying to bullshit to us? u wur never right and infact talked ur self in a hole! u sound like a fool u dont even kno what u right and then wen ppl call u out u say they are twisting ur words....i dont get it maybe u are as fucked up in ur head as the character in ur avatar...u and him have much in common!...u need to not only reread everyhting u posted here but u need to research cuz u obviously dont likve in the same world as most ppl on this site!

Brick Top

New Member
genius its niot the thc content, that they test iot s the thc to cbd ratio.

This will be my last message and the last time I bother to correct you. The methond for testing THC, after it was changed from how it was tested in the 60's and 70's, is THC level is a percentage of ALL CANNABINOIDS, not just THC to CBD.

Before the change in testing procedure THC was a percentage of not only all cannabinoids but also plant matter(the glands inside glandular trichome heads) and organic substances belonging to buds like: amino-acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones.

An example of a strain tested using the old testing method and the newer testing method shows how dramatic the increase in THC levels shot up by excluding the plant matter(the glands inside glandular trichome heads) and organic substances belonging to buds like: amino-acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones from testing. World of Seeds Bank - Afgan Kush

Strain: Afgan Kush
Breeder: World of Seeds
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: indica
Flowering: ~50 days
Normal or female seeds.

Way of cropping: Mainly indoor/very good yield outdoor
Race: Pure race obtained from the Afgani Kush zone
Genotype: Almost 100% Indica
High: Less than 1.5 m indoor/ until 2 meters outdoor
Wide: Depending on prune. Some branched without prune
Growing time: Three weeks
Harvest time: 45-55 days indoor/average October outdoor/pollitano
Resistance to mushrooms: Average
Resistance to plague: Depends on the plague
Irrigation tolerance: High tolerance to frequent irrigation and fertilization
Yield: Over 400 gr per m2 indoor/ 500 - 600 gr per plant outdoor
Medicinal value: High (for its high content in CBD).Excellent like anti-emetic and antispasmodic
Smell: Hashish.
Flavor: Fruity-sweet.
Effects: Very narcotic, almost devastating

(Newer testing procedure results) THC Level: 21.6% measured upon the rest of cannabinoids. (Old testing procedure results) 7.4% measured upon the rest of organic substances belonging to buds like: amino-acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones, and cannabinoids (determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry)

So Rain Man, did you happen to notice how a 21.6% THC level dropped all the way down into single digits, all the way down to 7.4% strictly because it was tested the way strains were tested in the 60's and the 70's and that it only tested at a much higher percentage strictly because that test was the newer test where THC is only a percentage all cannabinoids? (AND NOT JUST THC TO CBD)

Thus endeth the lesson.


Well-Known Member
i didnt dig nothing, you guys can copy and paste all you want. i know what happened and how i remedied it. its already been proven so i don't care about what you have to say. what i said worked and you cant say it didn't beacuse it did. so there im still right so fuck off again

im sure you'll have some smart ass reply talking shit when your trying pick yet another fight .


Well-Known Member
no we just think that u should be truithgful and own up to what the fuck u type!ur wrong u cannot burn a plant that has no nutes!!!!! end of story and prolly the most retarted shit ive ever come across


Well-Known Member
seriously was not trying to be a smartass, I stated it the way I did for other new growers that might read it, been gardening for 40 years, have taught a lot of folks here how to grow and have saved a lot of plants. This is my current grow,,,,,,,,

I'd like to invite you to come hang out with us and while others might be tired of your questions, you can ask me anytime
Your right, I am a new grower and yeah I've checked out you past threads you seem to know what your talking about I seem to sometimes be a hot head you know? I'll be checking out your grows for now thanks for replying also.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I felt that way but I usually just look through this past post and read over you I say you will always be a student because nobody knows everything I'll be writing u thanks


Well-Known Member
hyroot.......thanks for the laughs. Your ignorance combined with the displayed stupidity must be an act, right? or is this a result of government education?

Still some funny shit


Well-Known Member
hyroot is whats wrong with this generation!!!!!!!! That dude is one of the dumbest inbreed people in ever incountered. how the hell did it takes 9 pages to answer something that was answered on page 1. Hyroot stay away from any stronger drugs you cant handle it and stay away from my garden your stupidity is epic!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wow i had fed my plant for weeksnd thengot fed straight water for a week and a half. the tips and sides got burned . i fed more nutes and it went away. its a fact. here is a 2 pics this was taken in the 4th and7th week. notice the brown from lack of phosphorus. my mozilla keeps crashing so im on exploerer. so im having trouble making this neat. the later one is white widow a 10 weeker and the other is sfv og A 9 WEEKER


Well-Known Member
all people want to do on here is talk shit on people. just beacuse you havent seen it doesn't mean it can't happen. one person says something that some people don't believe is possible even though it is factual they all talk. shit. like i said before this is what happened . take it or don't on dudes plants i just said it looke to hot or the ph was off. i just said what happened to me. how is that ignorant. i think your all ignorant. pick up abook. experiment. theres so many combinations of things that can have the same effect and if you think otherwise , you are truly an idiot. oh just because you grow up in a botany family don't mean shit unless you went through the school yourself. oh i had to take the oaksterdam classes with my brother when we tried to open our own dispensary and they even talked about that same thing this whole thread has attacked me about. so in conclusion you are all acting like its the 1950's and scared of something different you don't know about and are talking shit. again pick up a book, take a class. experiment. try differnt things until then you are ignorant.


Well-Known Member
hahhahahahah bro let it go youve be proved wrong. youve changed your words like 5 different times. ill let you know again just so your clear. Impossible!! You can't get nute burn when you don't have nutes. Rm3 is correct you have deficiencies from the lack of food.


Well-Known Member
again phosphate deficiency . ive havent changed anything ive repeated myself a million times. ive proven it and shown proof. mr ganja i recall another thread where people were giving you shit for belittling other people hmmmmm


Well-Known Member
the only thing youve proved is your not that far down the evolution chart!! i think your inbetween nebraska man and peking man!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
try using silica blast for a while then suddenly stop and see what happens. the leaves will become brittle and the edges will be burnt after a couple days of not using it.