Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Yeah, the buds look great, but your missing out on all that wonderful kief. I'll say it again, I smoke the leaves and throw the buds away.

keif made from what??? the shade leaves or sucker/water leaf???? Those leaves are used by some to make the low end kief.... I dont even use fan leaves for butter..yuuk

the crystally leaf trimmings from close to the buds in the final trim is what you want to use for the kill kief
So far what I have seen proven:

Some know how to pluck leaves.
Plants do have the ability to recover after being stressed.
And there are some good growers, misguided, but still good growers.

Still waiting on something that actually proves increased yield.
im still on the fence about this topic, certain strains respond well with defoliation and some do not, thanks to all those who have submitted their own grow experiences concerning this technique without belittling others :)

So far what I have seen proven:

Some know how to pluck leaves.
Plants do have the ability to recover after being stressed.
And there are some good growers, misguided, but still good growers.

Still waiting on something that actually proves increased yield.
Maybe, you could take up the task of performing an "experiment" for us all?:idea:
im still on the fence about this topic, certain strains respond well with defoliation and some do not, thanks to all those who have submitted their own grow experiences concerning this technique without belittling others :)

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in the grow Colonuggs posted, I would have preferred something like this:
[video=youtube;IpOI5h3Vqbg] index=11[/video]
I am still quite impressed , however, with the final picture in his post.
Get outta here with that shit! Cervantes, UB and other cannabis authorities have assured me that plucking is wrong. Like evil wrong!

Well OBVIOUSLY they are not AUTHORITIES are they then? Just because you have a book on the subject doesn't mean that his way is the only way and he himself has said its time to UPDATE the bible with better more up to date information. Why would you put Jorge in the same sentence as UB? There is no comparision IMO, One knows all and the other is a Know-it-ALL.

Respect the man not the wannabe
Well OBVIOUSLY they are not AUTHORITIES are they then? Just because you have a book on the subject doesn't mean that his way is the only way and he himself has said its time to UPDATE the bible with better more up to date information. Why would you put Jorge in the same sentence as UB? There is no comparision IMO, One knows all and the other is a Know-it-ALL.

Respect the man not the wannabe
oh boo hoo, you just love to piss all over UB. I wonder why, could it be , you work for advanced nutrients and UB tells everyone about there B.S? HMMMMM?? very interesting. I see no other reason why you have such a hard on for UB?
oh boo hoo, you just love to piss all over UB. I wonder why, could it be , you work for advanced nutrients and UB tells everyone about there B.S? HMMMMM?? very interesting. I see no other reason why you have such a hard on for UB?

umm besides him being an absolute douche to every person who happens to disagree with him? ^^^^^^kiss-ass
uh oh, another person who is butthurt because UB wasn't a nice person. should i call the whambulance for you babies?

call me crazy or maybe it's just the morals i was brought up with there really isnt a need to be rude to anyone. some people get off on that type of thing. makes thing go better for them in their own life im assuming. and honestly i feel a little sad for him. no one should be that bitter... besides me and unk? we are the best of friends, and being such good friends with him i tell him you dont have to make other feel low to make yourself feel better.......unless that is your only joy in this world, if that is the case... carry on.
Maybe, you could take up the task of performing an "experiment" for us all?:idea:
I have done many over the years with many different plants. The one thing I have found common in all of them is its a very, very rare occasion that you can manipulate a plant to yield beyond its genetic potential.
call me crazy or maybe it's just the morals i was brought up with there really isnt a need to be rude to anyone. some people get off on that type of thing. makes thing go better for them in their own life im assuming. and honestly i feel a little sad for him. no one should be that bitter... besides me and unk? we are the best of friends, and being such good friends with him i tell him you dont have to make other feel low to make yourself feel better.......unless that is your only joy in this world, if that is the case... carry on.
right, and so you finish your reply to me by calling me an ass kisser, if that doesn't make you a hypocrite, I don't know what does.
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