ah, hahah... shame on me.. i'm go enjoy high kite post..hahaha ah shit got you also Panda, I was totally being sarcastic.
i should have quoted budbrewer, he mentioned his frustratioin with the discussion of what a leafes function truly was.
If you would actually quote me instead of making up your own about me you might have a leg to stand on but as usual the you resort to some falsehood insult because you can't prove your point the leaves grow back and keep feeding the plant.
i want to say this is my best grow to date. the fan leafs usually never got to big or just died off prematurely. well, this round they are huge!! almost too huge. i have heard that fan leafs produce energy which provided the plant growth and nutrient flow. or something along them lines. dont quote me. but i heard they help a lot more then people think. is this true? is it counterproductive to cut off the lower to mid huger larger fan leafs? what if they are blocking light? i have chopped off the lower 40-50% growth. i have topped my plants, or FIMmed i should say, at least 2-3 times. so they are quite bushy. so there is not many fan leafs left, but the ones that are left are big and are blocking light. the ones up top are blocking light to the middle of the plant. i dont want to ruin a quite possibly perfect grow. but i would like light to penetrate better.
Advanced Marijuana Cultivation[h=1]Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???[/h]in the[h=2]The Grow Room[/h]BudBrewer Wrote : "I don't appreciate people coming into this defoliation thread and clogging it up with solar panel logic or just plan insults for pages on end without any real experience on this topic. "
BudBrewer Wrote : "I don't appreciate people coming into this defoliation thread and clogging it up with solar panel logic or just plan insults for pages on end without any real experience on this topic. "
Advanced Marijuana CultivationFan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???
in theThe Grow Room
Nope dont see any defoliation in the subject..nope
UB, is fan leaf stems being really red a sign of a deficiency?
May I remind you of the noob and his questions that started all this stupid shit lol.
UB, is fan leaf stems being really red a sign of a deficiency?
Read all kinds of misnomers on this one, everything from a deficiency of N or P to indica genes. As long as your plants are healthy, don't worry about it.
nvm i take it back... misread..UB, is fan leaf stems being really red a sign of a deficiency?
BudBrewer Wrote : "I don't appreciate people coming into this defoliation thread and clogging it up with solar panel logic or just plan insults for pages on end without any real experience on this topic. "
Oh, well most of my plant is fine and nice dark green but all the little new shoots that are coming up are yellowish but besides that it looks completely healthy. Didn't know if I could take the symptom of yellowing of the leaves and the red stems to pin point the problem, or at least have a ball park idea. But MOSTLY shes nice and green.Im really thinking its potassium/nitrogen def. I started feeding her higher concentrations of nutes. I'll guess only time will tell if she picks up