Fan leaves yellowing and dying off during flower

Hello, I am at week 4 of flower and my plants leaves are slowly all turning yellow. My waters ph is 6.5-7.0 and I am using the "recipe for success" nutrient kit, in FFOF soil. I am running a 1000 watt light and temps with light on are about 80, humidity about 40%. Anyone have any idea what the problem is, and how to fix it?



Well-Known Member
Looks like a Nitrogen deficiency. When I was playing around with Technaflora nutes in DWC, I read a tip on these forums that said to do a 50/50 mix of Grow and Bloom the first two weeks of flower and I found that worked really well for keeping the leaves green throughout flower. I think your plant will be fine if its a standard 8-9 week strain.. you could attempt to correct the deficiency but I think it would cause more harm than good at this point.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that is a lot of stuff! Pretty hard to imagine they are deficient on anything given all you are giving them and good soil to start with. Therefore it seems more likely that nitrogen is locked out, probably from too much potassium. You can google "nutrient antagonism chart" to see what too much of one element does to other elements.


Well-Known Member
Do you know the ppm of the nutrient solution? 1/3rd strength doesn't help me as I haven't used that brand.
the "grow" is 600 ppm per tsp per gallon of water, and the "bloom" is 700 per 2 tsp per gallon. that is what is says on the bottles. on the measurement chart i have for the nutrients it says " PH of the solution=6.02 (if not, adjust PH to 5.8-6.2) (ppm=1430)


Well-Known Member
You should not be deficient on anything at that ppm and may be pushing the limits on what this girl can take. Are you feeding anything that has a real high potassium number on the NPK scale?


Active Member
Bit early for that happening, but quite normal. Plant will feed off itself eventually no matter what. Next grow, mix some bonemeal in your soil and THAT should never happen again with normal PH

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Da Mann

Well-Known Member
So there's nothing I can do to turn the leaves back green? It's starting from the tips and fading in
No.Up the nitrogen. Mix about 1/3 a dose of grow food with normal dose of bloom food. Once those yellow leaves start to brown or just before pull them.


Active Member
Having the same thing myself during flowering on my smaller plant, will try upping the feed a little, see if that prevents more yellowing.
Good luck with yours

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The yellowing leaves are finished. They will not get better as mentioned earlier in this thread. I run hydro. When I see yellowing I know I have to increase the watering slightly. As the plant(s) gets bigger they consume more water. I always keep the nutrient level the same which is the minumum and simply increase the watering.

I recommend that you splurge and get a $5Can hygrometer for soil potted plants..
I wouldn't rely on the meter but I would use it to give me a better idea on when to water.
When it is time to water be sure to saturate the soil until there is run off. Growing mediums and plantpots must have good drainage. Any situation where pooling water can stagnate at the base of the plantpot is not good for mj.
I give them each about a gallon every other day or two, they're in 5 gallon buckets. I usually don't have much runoff at all though. I have good drainage in the buckets. So could it be from them not getting enough food?


Well-Known Member
I have same problem but now after a bit of research im 100% it is to soon and /or to many Potassium.
Your plants look like mine, have perfect condition in my grow room but i sarted to soon with bloom nutes...
Im using GHE 3 part series + i added mineral magic :
which is good because the silicate in it, but silicate can speed up drastically P uptake. Is not good to use in first 2-3 weeks on flowering, like i do.
But i got this info before my mistake and now got same looking plant as yours.
And im 100% shure is this... because got 6 other plants (same mother) which I did not use on them any silicate and they are looking very flourish green.

Anyway best place to see what im talking about is this post :

P abuse can be caused by many think i believe. in my case was to soon and too many silicate so my plants become P horny.
Idk if this is your problem but plants on photos you posted are looking like mine :D