fan running continuously


Well-Known Member
Of course if the intake air is high in humidity it doesn't really solve this problem. that's why I use a dehumidifier, it runs constantly too.
I've thought about that, but the RH goes down to about 40 - 45 % when the exhaust is running.


Well-Known Member
I've thought about that, but the RH goes down to about 40 - 45 % when the exhaust is running.
Well then, I guess you should run it. I think that rh is probably more important in your op than CO2 enhancement. I keep my rh below 40% at all times or I have mold problems.


Well-Known Member
sweet, thanks for the help spaz. I think we scared away kittybitches.....

it's funny cause during the dead winter I was using a humidifier cause my RH was right where your's is, I should have left it damnit, cause now I can't keep it down. I'm gunna try running the exhaust all the time and see if that keeps it down, although now I have to really do something about the smell though, my house reaks


Well-Known Member
Good luck with it!! I've got no simple answers for odour though, It's not a problem for me, we own our house and the neighbours aren't nosey(knock on wood!)Peace bro.:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i've got a good idea about the smell, Panhead posted a DIY carbon filter that I'm gunna do, sounds good. yeah my neighbors aren't nosey, but my parents like to stop by alot, even though they have nothing to do with the place.


Well-Known Member
ive been sitting back watching the back and forth. because i have two 600 watt lights in my flowering room, i think it should be enough to keep the humidity down. how often do you think i should change the stink filter if run the fan constantly?


Well-Known Member
I always run my fans all fans vent and ocilating for 24 hours. I even use a cheap bathroom exhust fan bought from home depot. It has worked great for two full grows so far