Fan Speed Controller

Need some help please and before i start sorry if this has been asked all ready

After a fan speed controller but not sure what
To get or what would work best
The fan i have is a rvk/systemeir 6 inch a1

Not sure what would be best a

2.systemiers own brand

Thanks for your time

Any ideas would great


Well-Known Member
Depends on how much control you want.

I use an RVK150L1 with SMS single fan speed controller. The manual dial one

Im not sure if the systemair one reduces fan hum, but can say from experience that the SMS single fan speed controller does reduce the current being given to the fan.

Charlies hydro on ebay are cheap.

The other 2 you mentioned are temperature controlled fan speed controllers were by you set a temp for it to maintain.

I dial my SMS single fan speed controller up or down depending upon seasons. Slower in winter faster in summer.

J .
Thanks for the info i would rather have one i set amd can leave but after some things thats not going to coz the fan to hum

Been looking at charlies hydro good place used them before


Active Member
have you looked at using a thermostat over a speed controller? is the fans main purpose for temperature control or air exchange?