Fan ?


Active Member
hey guys im going to be moving to my second grow soon of "Widow Bomb" the first grow i did (Big Bud & Afgan Kush) i dident use a fan and the stems were way to floppy and not many fan leaves were there for the amount of time i was in veg for everyones saying that a fan will make the stems more thick etc i was wondering if this is true i will be buying a fan today i use a 200W Veg light for 5 Fem seeds so do i keep my fan on for 24/0 or 18/6? i veg under 18/6 so would my fan be on for 18/6 and when i move to 12/12 do i move my fan to 12/12 ?

thanks for the help
i leave the fan on always and i believe it is important not only for stronger stems but it helps with transperation of extra ferts. toxins and excess moisture from the leaves.helps in the prevention of mold,it also makes it more difficult for flying pests to really take over your garden.
paople say they have there fans on 24 since wind doesnt stop in the wild if you get me. but then again tis not always windy ouside.
I've had the thought well if it is windy out I'll turn the fan on, but that's too much of a pain and I need the fan for the light anyways. I would like to put a second fan in to blow from a different direction tho
You say the stems were floppy and there weren't as many leaves as should be. Sounds more like stretching to me. What kind of 200w veg light are you using?
its a 200W 8U 230V 50Hz

but at the beginning it was just on sunlight and november's not known for its Sunlight (1st grow noob)