Fans/controllers: variable fan / thermostat: worth it?


Well-Known Member
I dont use lung rooms but it goes to show the principle of air and how the climate of your tent is dependant on the outside rooms climate.

Seal your room put on a heater and put a thermometer in the tent, it will rise as the room temperature rised - You now have ultimate control, now go build that death star and take over the galaxy.

I like the hands off-ness of how that but with the AC T6 how do you deal with setting day and night temps seperately as people like to do?

I discovered about lung rooms today. That's nuts!
Do people seperately heat/cool the room the tents are in from the rest of the house? or usually just run the whole house as the thermostat?

What about if you have CO2. Is that in the tent specifically? It gets dangerous and I wouldn't want to live in a house with even slightly elevated co2 :|

Edit: this room design stuff gets super complicated!!


Active Member
OK so I understand my thermostat should handle everything but I still don't trust my basement's temps and I travel a lot. Also I'm not going to seal a room to make a death star :P
I just have a 2x4' tent so I won't generate a lot of heat but I like idiotproofness of the temp settings so I can pay for it. My wife would hurt me if she had to check on the plants all the time.
  • Someone offered me Hon&Guan 4" inline fan (link)
  • but I can also buy a Vortex S6+VariableDay/Night controller for 240$ CAD (its a TV12 controller if it matters)
  • or an AC infinity T4 for 240$ CAD
Does anyone have any opinions about which is the quietest and least finicky?


Well-Known Member
In a 2x4 most fans are going to give you a lot of negative pressure so most are ok its just the ability to dial it down some is quite handy. Take the hon&guan if its free or cheap, shouldnt pay much for those sizes.


Well-Known Member
Look into duct mufflers
This. I’ve got a Phresh muffler on my 8” can max-fan and it’s silent. The fan sits like halfway inside the muffler and you can barely hear it. The fan sounds like a jet engine without it. It was pretty quiet on the floor and damn near silent when hanging. 13A5DAC1-9239-4D2F-9EFC-B62E4485624C.jpeg


Active Member
Seal your room put on a heater and put a thermometer in the tent, it will rise as the room temperature rised - You now have ultimate control, now go build that death star and take over the galaxy.

Actually one question I should have started all this with. How accurate am I aiming for? Is 77-87 fine? Or am I ideally 82+-1 degree? A 10degree target is probably fine with my thermostat


Well-Known Member
For me step 1 was knowing my temps and rh.

Managing/Controlling both temp and humidity can be tricky and a pia.

Inkbirds work for power control on any fan.

AC Infinity with digital controller is great the way it ramps fan speed up and down as needed.
Just wish it were programmable for different settings. Lights on/off etc...


Well-Known Member
Humans and plants evolved in the same climates, if you find it pleasing so will the plants.

I prefer to be around 20c, starts getting hot at 25 and 30c is uncomfortable indoors. Both i and the plants struggle to live above 37c and cannot cool past this point, we notice human heat death or adaptation of black skin aswell as plants turning from C3 to C4 cacti types as climates approach 37c.

I struggled with temperature, not a physical struggle but mental glass cage emotional shit. The health of the plant is the key to achieving warmer temperatures, outdoors plants lap up 30c all summer long but have vast reserves of stable soil and water unlike a potted plant whos reserves are actually pretty small and soil temperature fragile. Learning to run a hps at max output per area is not kind to struggling plants but grows healthy ones into monsters.

A small light air movement/breeze will aid cooling, if your extraction is sucking the shit out of your tent thats happening but if your extraction is low some extra mixing can increase plant cooling. Do not exspose plants to wind, we can get good air movement without wind and wind stress is well documented in most crops.

Temperature is dependant, people here run from 20-30c indoors, as long as air is moving about and not building and stagnant plants will be happy.

Actually one question I should have started all this with. How accurate am I aiming for? Is 77-87 fine? Or am I ideally 82+-1 degree? A 10degree target is probably fine with my thermostat


Well-Known Member
Humans and plants evolved in the same climates, if you find it pleasing so will the plants.

I prefer to be around 20c, starts getting hot at 25 and 30c is uncomfortable indoors. Both i and the plants struggle to live above 37c and cannot cool past this point, we notice human heat death or adaptation of black skin aswell as plants turning from C3 to C4 cacti types as climates approach 37c.

I struggled with temperature, not a physical struggle but mental glass cage emotional shit. The health of the plant is the key to achieving warmer temperatures, outdoors plants lap up 30c all summer long but have vast reserves of stable soil and water unlike a potted plant whos reserves are actually pretty small and soil temperature fragile. Learning to run a hps at max output per area is not kind to struggling plants but grows healthy ones into monsters.

A small light air movement/breeze will aid cooling, if your extraction is sucking the shit out of your tent thats happening but if your extraction is low some extra mixing can increase plant cooling. Do not exspose plants to wind, we can get good air movement without wind and wind stress is well documented in most crops.

Temperature is dependant, people here run from 20-30c indoors, as long as air is moving about and not building and stagnant plants will be happy.
Think of "The ideal afternoon in the sun having a drink." Thats how the plants want to feel all the time. Personally my blood runs hot as fuck and I dont like anything over 65 lol but most people do like sunny and 75. No one likes sunny and 95.


Well-Known Member
Yes but our thermometers are solid non cooling non organic devices, they do not like to sit in the sun and will overheat.

Consequently without transpirational cooling a leaf will quickly heat up past 100f and we see the difference between air temperature and the heat held in light rays/photons. Light is a lot hotter than air but dosent heat the air just the surface it hits.

Think of "The ideal afternoon in the sun having a drink." Thats how the plants want to feel all the time. Personally my blood runs hot as fuck and I dont like anything over 65 lol but most people do like sunny and 75. No one likes sunny and 95.