Fans for this grow room?


For THIS GROW ROOM <- Link (64" tall x 20" deep x 36" wide)

running a bubbleponics system with say... 4 plants, and THESE LIGHTS <- Link (400w MH/HPS)

can someone suggest a 6 inch fan I could put as intake/exhaust, THIS FAN (<- Link) is what I was looking at, but now see that it has 3 wires instead of regular power plug.... so.. I'd prefer a regular plug in type.... if anyone knows any good deals.. I'm open to all suggestions... Id like to vent it to my attic as well... and if its not too much, I'd love a charcoal filter, but so far they seem expensive as hell...

wondering how my temps are gonna be inside there too...


oh silly me, the same one on amazon had the 3 wires, I mixed up which one was which...

so I'll use that fan as intake, but for exhaust I still need to find something compatible with a charcoal filter

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
oh silly me, the same one on amazon had the 3 wires, I mixed up which one was which...

so I'll use that fan as intake, but for exhaust I still need to find something compatible with a charcoal filter
Make sure your intake fan(s) is slightly more powerful than your exhaust fan(s)


Well-Known Member
you are probably going to need to aircool the light in your grow room.

if this grow is going to be located in a room of a house then why not save yourself some money and have a vented hole for a passive intake then have something like

carbon filter ---- aircooled hood ---- fan ----- into attic

use 400CFM fan and filter and have a 2 x (6"x6") vented holes in your room and as long as the passive air is around 23C / 73F then your grow should stay within a few degrees of this temperature .



Well-Known Member
sorry 400CFM is a bit excessive maybe around 280CFM

I normally wotk in m3/h so a 480m3/h = 280CFM

this is for an aircooled carbon filtered lighting/exhaust system.



this line
I normally wotk in m3/h so a 480m3/h = 280CFM
you lost me there lol....

but ok, so I'm gonna try and find a good deal on two 280ish CFM fans, with a charcoal filter, and purchase some of that cheap venting to get it up into the attic...

and when you say vented hole for passive intake, do you mean like, a hole in the wall?? the tent has holes for fans and stuff, the room its going to be in is kinda like this...

Untitled.jpg Paint FTW

plant will be in the closet, in that grow tent, exhausting air into the attic


Well-Known Member
a single 280CFM fan and filter combo with air cooled reflector will be all you need, just open 3 of the holes in your tent as intakes.



Active Member
From what I've read a larger fan isn't a bad thing. You could always get a fan speed controller to modulate the cfm and noise. And you'll be set if you ever increase your grow space in the future.

Forgot to mention that the filter you purchase should have an equal or greater cfm rating as the fan.


Well-Known Member
should do the trick but male sure you get a fan speed controller to slow it down and an aircooled hood that way you can fine tune your canopy temps.



any suggestions on what to look for as far as quality and price? dunno what to look for in an aircooled hood... and how much to pay for either....


Well-Known Member
in the UK you pay around 50GBP / $90 for a cooltube reflector.

i use cooltubes but may change later in time.

it also depends on how much you want to spend .

IMO cooltubes are pretty cheap and do a good job.
