Far Red during late flower.


Well-Known Member
im considering trying this im wondering if anyone has tried giving far red light durring the last 3 weeks of flower...

logic being the plants might not stretch at that time... Weed is a shade avoider so in most situations u would see stem elongation from the far red... durring the last 3 weeks of flower the plants usually arnt stretching period. so the hypothesis is adding far red durring the last 3 weeks of flower would get u the emmerson effect of what i understand as a kind of turbo charging of the other 400-700 photons without the downside of over stretching...

before someone says it im aware that if i want to add lets say +200ppfd durring the last 3 weeks it would be more photosntheically efficent to add normal spec white LED light instead of far red 730ish.... im willing to sacrifice somee of that efficency just for the reason that theres soooooo much far red light in sunlight.... and we dont know everything yet.. wee know a lot about how it works synergistiucally with other wavelengths but i doubt we know all of it and i just have a hard time believing all that far red light is used for just shade avoidance...
ill run uv almost the whole time.... im a big believer in photoacclimation... in terms of strength and spectrum... 15mins week 1 of flower.. up to 4 hours by weeek 6

from the bugbee vid the logic i took was.. if its a shade avoider (like weed).. it will cause stem elongation = not good
if its a shade tolerator (like lettuce) it will cause leaf expansion = good

i think most people took that to mean far red id say 740nm is no good for cannabis... the "supercharge" effect bugbee talks about isnt worth the stem elongation that comes w it..

but im wondering if weed is still a shade avoider durring the last month... its certainly a shade avoider up until the last month but then the stretching stops... i wonder if far red durring that last month of non stetch period would generate the turbo charge effect without the stretching by product no one wants...

btw... bugbee... even tho hes hockin his meters... i seem to trust that guy... and i have a hard time taking anyones word for it in this field..
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