I asked FJ to explain to me for once what a 13% is this was his detailed reply.
BTW FJ is very literate and educated!
13%ers was actually a branch off of a homework project. i was in a marketing class in school and we were helping create marketing packets for real companies. a partner of mine and i were getting stoned after class one day, cuz i lived across the street from the college and we were just talking about stupid ideas and i told him about this tee shirt idea i had based around cannabis, but most of the stuff i had seen was all just stupid stoner stuff, didn't represent our community with any chance at being taken seriously. well M is the 13th letter of the alphabet and normally considered bad luck or gang related. i thought it would be a good chance to bring a positive chance to a negative number since the big scheme of things was to bring positivity to a negative world anyway it seemed fitting. when i told him his eyes lit up. said it was a winner for sure and talked me into paying all my money to for a partnership clothing company with him. well he sucks and left me with all the bills and responsibility of dealing with this thing i started. it spread through youtube super quick so i had some clothing made but the thing people seem to appreciate about it and what i push way more than the clothing because i can never seem to get shirts made is "be the change in the world you want to see" i say that in my shows all the time. positivity is contagious just like negativity and the more positive things people see being done the more they will want to do the same. i stress to do good deeds as small as letting someone in in traffic or holding a door for a stranger to donating money and time to charities and community. it is my attempt to help bring about a positive outlook on our stoner community. to see that we are not dirty greasy non motivated scum bags but active members of our community making a change for the better and showing the world that whether or not you use cannabis cannabis is here and its safe not only to use but to have in the community. i honestly never thought it would turn into anything but then again i never thought id have 100 subscribers on youtube. lol funny how the world works. but all in all 13%ers is my company i started. we are yet to really get our feet wet in the business world though. lol