Farmer's market may have troubles...

Conneticut's distribution is going to be Dr. prescription, 1 month supply, filled at pharmacy..just like real medicine....Now that's tough...actually need the Dr to write a new scrip every month...whooo, that's tougher to swallow.

people there must be pissed. A med law that treats medical cannabis medicine.

due to federal scheduling of cannabis that will not happen like that. I gaurantee it.

And you act like we had a choice in the matter. Boyyy dumb much??? So now we are just stoners because the feds have it as schedule 1???
Bob I respond to your thoughts on farmers market. Then as I read your response there are three, you just hurt my buzz. I was ready to re-respond after the first. These guys have made you crazy. You two are certainly bringing out the worst in each other.
As far as you not liking farmers market because of the law that can be changed. And why are you set that farmer's markets need to be on weekend only. You keep thinking the concept of a farmer's market = joe cain. Yes they can be open everyday. I am not sure if some stranger can do a better job of getting your meds to a patient, but I see myself as be the best representative of my meds.
You down the farmers market only to take shot at Timmahh, then talk about bullshit laws. It is really hard to decipher if you are communicating honestly or just fucking with Timmahh and just spewing out bullshit trying to make his head explode or something.

You really think there would be enough growers showing up daily, all over the State, to insure an everyday easy to find sytem to patients? wow, that's a bit o organizing skills. Hats off to anyone that can organize that...And figure out how to account for and tax all those sales? If some one can organize that, and make it work, while keeping the general populace happy...I'll bow down to them as a god.....I've run a lot of businesses..and that sounds a bit much to handle for me...

Understand..that's a lot of things to organize...the organizers need to get paid too. Who pays them? If the growers do..the prices go up..not arguing..just asking. Not only is it the number of locations, it's now 7 days a week...I can't get my mind around how all that organizational manpower and accounting and taxation manpower get paid for...please explain.

The current model works because it IS only open 1 day week....the growers show up because it's the only day they can. At 7 days per week, you have to not only find more growers, you have to schedule them so that every day is balanced. Can't just let them show up when they want, you'd have days when no one came(or only a few)

Again..not arguing. trying to picture the financials
I could organize that no problem and so could you. If there was a farmer's market open daily farmer's could schedule what days they are there and also there could be a dispensary at the market where farmer's can have their meds. So as a farmer I could go on the website, schedule my days and have meds at the facility for patients that cannot be there when I am, or they know me and my meds and just want to pick them up.
Bob, I am sorry bro but you sound completely full of shit the last few days. You are a smart guy and you could argue for this or against it all day no problem. I am not going to participate cuz you guys have driven each other mad.

There is no doubt in my mind I could open and operate a UP wide farmer's market. You, the corporate man, scared of the complexities of a farmer's market vs. dispensary. You are clearly just fucking with us.
The context of prohibition is relevant... THAT is the clear picture. How many decades of refer madness type propaganda and you think people can all see the truth about how harmless this healing herb is...? No, unfortunately the status quo smoe can't completely get over the programming we have been spoon fed by our own government for decades. This will take time to unravel these lies perpetuated by officials and big pharma. This is a perception war and I don't think that buying-in to these fears of past are going to make the world a better place.

The biggest problem with FM vs another highly regulated overpriced distribution model is mainly, COMPETITION. I don't think that I'd want to invest all my dough and tireless energy into a pro-vision center dist model, only to find the FM's drawing away so much of my business. Why not just align yourself with lawmakers and politicians and knock 'em the f' out.

Do you ever ask yourself why ppl buy food at farmers markets over a grocery store when they can? Because it is better for the people! Usually it's as healthy or more, and certainly far more affordable. It shouldn't be either or, it should be both.
abesupercrop said:
...The biggest problem with FM vs another highly regulated overpriced distribution model is mainly, COMPETITION. I don't think that I'd want to invest all my dough and tireless energy into a pro-vision center dist model, only to find the FM's drawing away so much of my business. Why not just align yourself with lawmakers and politicians and knock 'em the f' out. ...

Lies all of it - I have nothing to do with this.

due to federal scheduling of cannabis that will not happen like that. I gaurantee it.

And you act like we had a choice in the matter. Boyyy dumb much??? So now we are just stoners because the feds have it as schedule 1???

Hey..I just reported what the Connecticut distribution plan is at the does that make me the bad guy? Oh that's right accurate info...sorry.

And I made no comment towards your second retort...I didn't infer we had a choice in this matter..and I certainly did not go into a "schedule 1 and feds"

What are you talking about?
I could organize that no problem and so could you. If there was a farmer's market open daily farmer's could schedule what days they are there and also there could be a dispensary at the market where farmer's can have their meds. So as a farmer I could go on the website, schedule my days and have meds at the facility for patients that cannot be there when I am, or they know me and my meds and just want to pick them up.
Bob, I am sorry bro but you sound completely full of shit the last few days. You are a smart guy and you could argue for this or against it all day no problem. I am not going to participate cuz you guys have driven each other mad.

There is no doubt in my mind I could open and operate a UP wide farmer's market. You, the corporate man, scared of the complexities of a farmer's market vs. dispensary. You are clearly just fucking with us.

It's not just the complexity of organizing it. It's that the cost of that organization has to be paid for. The web site for the organization..who runs it? How do they get paid? The accountant' do they get paid? The funding for all the infrastructure to run the operation, has to come from the markets themselves...that would raise the prices at markets to dispensary levels.

The up with it's relative small population may be do able, but the major metropolitan areas...much much different. would need at least 5 markets open every day in Detroit alone...and 5 is conservative.

With only 5 places to serve Detroit, the funneling effect would be problematic in itself.
we have tons of young people who are going to these "drs for hire" to get a card. sad. i dont think anything, including pot, is totally harmless. in fact, i have seen the laziness this seems to attack the young, from it. nothing is perfect. but i do see the end of mmj comming. it was not intended to have gotten this out of hand. just heard on the radio, that the big city here, is on its way to closeing down all dispensarys inside the city limits. im sure, that my city, the next biggest, will follow suit. well, if this happens, well, will work out.
we have tons of young people who are going to these "drs for hire" to get a card. sad. i dont think anything, including pot, is totally harmless. in fact, i have seen the laziness this seems to attack the young, from it. nothing is perfect. but i do see the end of mmj comming. it was not intended to have gotten this out of hand. just heard on the radio, that the big city here, is on its way to closeing down all dispensarys inside the city limits. im sure, that my city, the next biggest, will follow suit. well, if this happens, well, will work out.

Thank you..a voice of reason.
Hey..I just reported what the Connecticut distribution plan is at the does that make me the bad guy? Oh that's right accurate info...sorry.

And I made no comment towards your second retort...I didn't infer we had a choice in this matter..and I certainly did not go into a "schedule 1 and feds"

What are you talking about?

It is the way you say it with your little sarcasm like imagine that treating it like medicine and how the medical people would be pissed over it going through a pharmacy. Like we have a choice in the matter. Like we want a free for all...... You know to abuse your medicine.

Yes I agree you only reported it. With a little snidness in there as always. But you know as well as I do that will not happen. There is not a pharmacy that would touch it without fed approval. At least not till the feds say its ok then the pharmacy will have it all and trust me they are awaitin for it.
Of course it's all our fault. The system would have been more than happy with MMJ. But since everyone is abusing it ONLY THEN the system decided to be against it.

What a joke......
It is the way you say it with your little sarcasm like imagine that treating it like medicine and how the medical people would be pissed over it going through a pharmacy. Like we have a choice in the matter. Like we want a free for all...... You know to abuse your medicine. Yes I agree you only reported it. With a little snidness in there as always. But you know as well as I do that will not happen. There is not a pharmacy that would touch it without fed approval. At least not till the feds say its ok then the pharmacy will have it all and trust me they are awaitin for it. can't interpret my simple messages...I see..explains why you cant interpret the law "as written"
It's not just the complexity of organizing it. It's that the cost of that organization has to be paid for. The web site for the organization..who runs it? How do they get paid? The accountant' do they get paid? The funding for all the infrastructure to run the operation, has to come from the markets themselves...that would raise the prices at markets to dispensary levels.

The up with it's relative small population may be do able, but the major metropolitan areas...much much different. would need at least 5 markets open every day in Detroit alone...and 5 is conservative.

With only 5 places to serve Detroit, the funneling effect would be problematic in itself.

You are so right Bob. A farmer's market would be ok, but the second I tried to organize what day a farmer would come in, or try to have electricity there, the cost of meds would instantly skyrocket. Then I would be mean profiteer making patients pay $1700 an ounce for mid-grade meds. While a dispensary can do all this for fraction on costs. Good points Bob. Farmer's markets would suck.
There are abandoned houses in Detroit that you can go to and slip money into holes in boarded up windows and doors, then someone would hand dope back out after you have paid. I think this would serve as much better distribution model, unless Timmahh fucks this all up and agrees, then you won't want to do that either. We will figure it out.
My guess is that the virus is coming from the Feds..looking at IP addresses, so they know where to send the drones....

Bit of a stretch there. They dont need to put a virus in here they have a few agents planted already. They would be wasting their time coming after me. Not like they dont do that already.

Hey Government lover leave your government out of my medicine. I know I know now I am a communist.

How is that hope and change workin out for ya?????
My guess is that Bob does not believe half the shit he types, he has some fucked idea that the feds do read this forum and he will be left alone as the sole legitimate grower who respects their efforts to regulate the rest of the yahoos...guess what Bob, won't happen..whether you like it or not, you are no better than anyone else here.