Fascism and the Republican Party

With the hard right using “conservative” to mean right-fascist, here is another instance confirming that right-fascism is inherently racist and sexist. Genderist, if that’s a word.

Her pro bono lawyer and she will destroy those republicans attacking her live on TV, good luck with that. Will they follow Donald's orders and try to please him after he is convicted, in prison? Who knows, when Jack has Trump's scalp on his belt, he might go for Trump's minions and cronies and then go after these assholes in congress when they start squealing.

House GOP goes after Cassidy Hutchinson for telling the truth on January 6th

Tim Heaphy, former lead investigator for the January 6th Select Committee and Betsy Woodruff Swan, Politico National Correspondent join Alicia Menendez in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss the House GOP setting their eyes on a new target Cassidy Hutchinson, for telling the truth about her experience on January 6th.

the Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

looks like HUAC is back with us

“In other words, FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression,” he said in the letter.

I hope I live to see a Supreme Court that undoes the corrupt and corrosive idea that money is speech.

Also — why is there no Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Supreme Court?
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the Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

looks like HUAC is back with us

“In other words, FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression,” he said in the letter.

I hope I live to see a Supreme Court that undoes the corrupt and corrosive idea that money is speech.

Also — why is there no Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Supreme Court?
Sounds a lot like blurring the faces of the insurrectionists before releasing the tapes. Aid and comfort methinks, I see MTG is being sued to keep her off the ballot and the judge allowed it.
One important point, a state has disqualified Trump and declared him an insurrectionist backed up by a mountain of evidence. The constitution clearly states that congress can only restore Trump to ballot, it is theoretically beyond the purview of the courts. They would have to rule that Trump was not an insurrectionist and it wasn't an insurrection and try to find a technicality that flies in the face of what the public saw on TV in real time and the factual findings of the courts. Just say'n
and this is why they (edit: probably) won’t. One of the justices happens to be married to a documented insurrectionist.
It is an interesting dilemma for some of them and declaring it was an insurrection and him an insurrectionist means lots of republican gave aid and comfort on camera. Not enough to convict them, but maybe enough to kick them out of congress. Why it would be like an enema for the American body politic and clean out a lot of shit! :lol: Deter even more...
They weren't interned...

NAZI TOWN, USA | Chapter 1 | American Experience | PBS

In the 1930s, Summer camps opened up across the country. But these weren't normal summer camps: they were the creation of the German American Bund, a pro-Nazi organization with a vision of America ruled by white Christians.

NAZI TOWN, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States.

Watch this extended preview of NAZI TOWN, USA, premiering Tuesday, January 23rd at 9/8c on PBS, PBS.org and the free PBS App.
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It always reduces to race.

Best lines in the article:
Answer to the question about

"the slight increase in Black support for the GOP in the last several years, especially from Black men? How does that figure into racial divisions?"

"The increase in Black support of the GOP is insignificant, especially compared to the number of Black people who don’t support. You could have five black people supporting Trump, and it’s a 100 percent increase — but it’s totally insignificant. Two in 10 people think we faked the moon landing (in 1969), which is significant. But we don’t pay attention to that."

Comparing the claim that GOP is gaining support among Black people to the strange faction of people who believe the moon landings were fake. "Insignificant" and "But we don't pay any attention to that". Priceless.