Fascism and the Republican Party

Not the only place with “new members” contributing similar tripe the last few days.
The Russians are retweeting the MAGA republican anti Ukraine tweets and other trash, the fascists are allies and share "values". The FBI is gonna treat these clowns like the commies of the 50's, if the democrats win. Domestic terrorism laws and a domestic terrorist watch list with no guns or flying for those on it, they wouldn't even be able to own a drone. Buying a cellphone or a sim card will require ID, your picture taken and retained by the retailer, and if they don't, they will be held responsible for any threats uttered with the device. A new federal law with mandatory minimums for threatening public officials, or figures, including those who incite such behavior in the public using the media with deception and lies.

These laws deal with anti-social behaviors that are destructive to society and endanger citizens. These are not laws against people for simply being who they are born as, but who they choose to become. The consequences involve the moral and ethical choices people make and if they choose to be assholes, they pay the price.
All Do respect they are speaking up , maybe you are not listening?
some are, some aren't...seems like out of hundreds of thousand of female athletes, you have maybe ten that are very vocal, around a hundred that murmur from time to time, and the rest don't seem to care..that's roughly 1%...1% of women seem upset enough to say anything about it...and most of that 1% are women who lost to trans athletes, they didn't seem to have a real problem with it, till they lost, then they became much more vocal.
most of those stories from that search list men as the ones complaining, mostly male republicans...
maybe you should quit trying to be snarky, it doesn't work for you...and start listening yourself, past the point where you hear what you want to hear...reading past where you see what you want to see...
oh, and by the way, it's "due respect"...as in it is due to the person you are addressing, even though "all due respect" is usually a way of saying you have no respect for the person you're talking to...but i don't expect respect, i earn it, from those i care to have it from
some are, some aren't...seems like out of hundreds of thousand of female athletes, you have maybe ten that are very vocal, around a hundred that murmur from time to time, and the rest don't seem to care..that's roughly 1%...1% of women seem upset enough to say anything about it...and most of that 1% are women who lost to trans athletes, they didn't seem to have a real problem with it, till they lost, then they became much more vocal.
most of those stories from that search list men as the ones complaining, mostly male republicans...
maybe you should quit trying to be snarky, it doesn't work for you...and start listening yourself, past the point where you hear what you want to hear...reading past where you see what you want to see...
Interesting little test would be to ask each woman in our lives what they think? I suspect we all should know at least a couple. Is it a equal playing field? Does genetics play a factor in the ability to compete.
Could simplify and tell the person this is a binary question yes or no.
Interesting little test would be to ask each woman in our lives what they think? I suspect we all should know at least a couple. Is it a equal playing field? Does genetics play a factor in the ability to compete.
Could simplify and tell the person this is a binary question yes or no.
Bullshit, statistics are the truth, asking your circle just confirms your bias.
A better question is why it is important to you and if it is, why don't you start and thread for it? Unless you think it is just another attempt at fascist oppression by othering minorities like LBGTQ people or racial minorities. This promotes tribalism in the simple-minded racists and bigots who populate the GOP these days. Racism and bigotry make people stupid and turns them into suckers for anybody playing Dixie on the dog whistle. Even a moron like Trump, the worse human being imaginable owns the fools.

This thread is about fascism and the republican party, and this is just another example of a product of their disinformation and culture wars campaign. Your concern over obscure sexual matters illustrates this, so create your own thread on the subject or use one already created. It is not an election issue and kids being mass murdered in schools with assault rifles is far more important than transgender people playing school sports. Educational funding and lunatics showing up at school board meetings threatening public officials is far more important and a real issue, not a bullshit one that a sealion troll would use.

Not to worry, I like to write and sharpen my arguments, so carry on with a one liner or a meme.
Interesting little test would be to ask each woman in our lives what they think?
Invalid test protocol
I suspect we all should know at least a couple.

Is it a equal playing field?
Does genetics play a factor in the ability to compete.
punctuation fail
Could simplify and tell the person this is a binary question yes or no.
Sentence stub

Literacy is a prerequisite for meaningful discourse.
A literate person would have recognized the series of loaded questions being presented.

You still need to tell us what a biographical female is, and why it matters.
Interesting little test would be to ask each woman in our lives what they think? I suspect we all should know at least a couple. Is it a equal playing field? Does genetics play a factor in the ability to compete.
Could simplify and tell the person this is a binary question yes or no.
i have asked several women i know what they think about it, a few of them don't like it, some say it's not an issue for them, most just flatly could not give a fuck less...
if you want opinions that matter, you need to poll MANY women athletes, and at least some of them have to have competed with and against trans athletes...anything else is just the uninformed opinions of people who are only involved by their own agendas, and not by actually caring about the people involved
i have asked several women i know what they think about it, a few of them don't like it, some say it's not an issue for them, most just flatly could not give a fuck less...
if you want opinions that matter, you need to poll MANY women athletes, and at least some of them have to have competed with and against trans athletes...anything else is just the uninformed opinions of people who are only involved by their own agendas, and not by actually caring about the people involved
a poll would only service the fallacy of the argument of popularity.
a poll would only service the fallacy of the argument of popularity.
a poll directed solely at biological female athletes would at least let people know if they have a problem with the situation or not, and not rely on the vocal few to be the voice of a large body of individuals who may or may not agree.
some record comparisons would also be in order...if trans athletes seem to be winning overwhelmingly, then perhaps they need their own category to compete in.
a poll directed solely at biological female athletes would at least let people know if they have a problem with the situation or not, and not rely on the vocal few to be the voice of a large body of individuals who may or may not agree.
some record comparisons would also be in order...if trans athletes seem to be winning overwhelmingly, then perhaps they need their own category to compete in.
That might work if the question were honest.
Since it is not, you are inappropriately dignifying a troll’s gotcha argument.

The diagnostic: over an hour has passed without this brand-new account that sought me out with its first question
addressing my response.

Pearls/swine, Roger.
That might work if the question were honest.
Since it is not, you are inappropriately dignifying a troll’s gotcha argument.

The diagnostic: over an hour has passed without this brand-new account that sought me out with its first question
addressing my response.

Pearls/swine, Roger.
i'm not sure about his phrasing, but the actual question, past his horsehittery, is, is it fair for trans athletes, specifically biological males, to compete with biological females in sporting events, particularly ones that reward physical strength. i'm not sure it is...i do not deny the rights of trans people, i do not have a problem with them doing what it takes to express themselves, but i'm not sure if it's fair for them to compete against someone that they have a natural advantage over. the trans hormone therapies counter some of that, but it doesn't seem like enough, trans athletes still seem to dominate in strength based competitions. IS it fair? it doesn't seem like it, honestly.
i'm not sure about his phrasing, but the actual question, past his horsehittery, is, is it fair for trans athletes, specifically biological males, to compete with biological females in sporting events, particularly ones that reward physical strength. i'm not sure it is...i do not deny the rights of trans people, i do not have a problem with them doing what it takes to express themselves, but i'm not sure if it's fair for them to compete against someone that they have a natural advantage over. the trans hormone therapies counter some of that, but it doesn't seem like enough, trans athletes still seem to dominate in strength based competitions. IS it fair? it doesn't seem like it, honestly.
OK go ahead and give the troll air.
i'm not sure about his phrasing, but the actual question, past his horsehittery, is, is it fair for trans athletes, specifically biological males, to compete with biological females in sporting events, particularly ones that reward physical strength. i'm not sure it is...i do not deny the rights of trans people, i do not have a problem with them doing what it takes to express themselves, but i'm not sure if it's fair for them to compete against someone that they have a natural advantage over. the trans hormone therapies counter some of that, but it doesn't seem like enough, trans athletes still seem to dominate in strength based competitions. IS it fair? it doesn't seem like it, honestly.
Since the troll appears to have left, I feel free to discuss this without feeding the troll. I am ambivalent about your underlying concern.

On the one hand, people who are psychologically women but were born with a male body … I have no data on how they perform compared to women who have been so from birth. If there is a statistically important performance advantage shown by trans women, then I concur that there is a problem. But establishing that is likely to be distorted by the sort of person who is hung up on biographical femaleness.

The fly in the ointment is that trans women who compete in the relevant sports are a great minority, which makes the statistics inexact, even without an expected outcome. With such a charged topic, one that has become a pet gremlin of the aggrieved right, I expect more bias than fact. So I would be quite distrustful of a claimed performance advantage, since this is one of the hotter battlefields in the culture war. Especially if undisclosed religious premises are used.

This article offers a perspective on the situation, an issue I am frankly not qualified to judge. But the core premise that “separate is not equal” is well borne out by US race history.
