Fascism and the Republican Party

America might like another crown prince and might arrange for his rather extended family, who happen to hate his guts, to just chop his head off one day. Right now, he's worried about those Iranian drones, missiles and a deal with Russia for nukes. He and Israel are on the Mullah's short list of targets so he would like those patriots, which could be better employed in Ukraine. Also, Ukraine's oil and NG could be developed quickly and EVs rolled out more quickly in America and the EU. China will develop central Asian oil and gas in Kazakhstan and that will bring even more supply online and Uncle Sam is doing the same thing in the Caucuses promoting peace in the area now that Russia is preoccupied elsewhere. This will lead to another pipeline to Turkey and Europe, opening up the Caspian region from the east with China and the west with America and the EU. All these things will lead to a drop in oil prices over time IMHO and cut the Saudi's and others off at the knees.
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On Monday, Sen. Marco Rubio took to Twitter to condemn what he described as an act of political violence targeted against a Republican volunteer for his campaign. "Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery," he wrote.

But according to The Daily Beast, the police report of the incident doesn't quite line up with Rubio's version of events.

For starters, there is currently no evidence that the attack in Hialeah — a predominantly Cuban-American city in Miami-Dade County that is overwhelmingly Republican — was actually politically motivated.

"Javier Jesus Lopez, a 22-year-old warehouse worker who lives down the street from where the altercation took place, now faces a felony charge of aggravated battery. A phone number listed for Lopez in the incident report — which The Daily Beast has redacted from the document — went straight to voicemail Monday evening," reported Justin Rohrlich. "In an email on Monday, Sgt. Jose Torres of the Hialeah PD told The Daily Beast that the case is 'open and active,' and that investigators 'soon' expect to determine a motive. When Local 10 News asked Torres if the violence was political, he also said the investigation was ongoing, but as of Monday afternoon there was 'no indication that is the case.'"

Furthermore, the victim in question, Christopher Monzon, is not an ordinary Republican canvasser. He is a notorious neo-Nazi activist, known by counterprotesters as the "Cuban Confederate," who has marched with the white supremacist League of the South and with neo-Nazi Richard Spencer at the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. "That same year, Monzon was arrested for attempting to assault protesters in Hollywood, Florida with a Confederate flag," said the report. "He was the lone counterprotester at a gathering organized to push for streets named after Confederate generals to be renamed."

"Monzon was unable to be reached for comment by The Daily Beast," noted the report. "Journalists from the Miami New Times attempted to interview Monzon on Monday in his room at HCA Florida Kendall Hospital, with permission from the facility’s communications department, but said they were blocked from entering by members of the Vice City Proud Boys, the militant right-wing group’s Miami-Dade chapter."

I won't go as far as saying he got what he deserved, but what are the chances he fucked around running his mouth and found out?

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But lol at Rubio snow flaking on behalf of a nazi.
Hell yeah! Let's cut our own fucking throats to trigger the libs and git them thar brown folks. They don't even bother to hide how badly they are gonna fuck them and the country anymore. They just tell the suckers up front, we are gonna fuck you, but sacrifices are necessary for the war, because THEY ARE TAKING OVER! Jesus these people are dumb or scared stupid, what do they win again?

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i fucking knew it didn't go down like rubberhole said....fucking racist fascist fucks...i hope they ALL get their asses beat, daily

I think it was posted here, there was a tiktok or something with a country boy looking fellow pointing out the narrative didn't make any sense as Florida is conservative as shit, Cubans are some hardcore republican voters...so this dude more than likely picked a fight.
If one needs an example of why GOP MAGA are called fascists:

In California, officials in small, rural and under resourced counties such as Shasta say they are encountering hostility and aggressive bullying from residents who believe there is widespread voter fraud – many are inundating local elections offices with public records requests as part of a relentless quest to try to prove their claims.

Residents in Shasta county have tried to intimidate election workers while acting as observers, crowding around Allen during a tense election night confrontation in June, and visiting voters’ homes while claiming to be a part of an “official taskforce”. In north-eastern California’s Nevada county, the registrar-elect had to take out a restraining order against residents who harassed her and pushed their way into her office, assaulting a staffer, she said.

“It’s really an unprecedented time,” said Kim Alexander, the president of the non-partisan California Voter Foundation, a non-profit organization that works on improving election processes. “A colleague recently referred to it as a sort of madness that’s taken hold.”

Violent and aggressive acts taken to sway elections that they do not control is a hallmark of fascism. AND YET, the article also contains hope and shows the path out of this madness:

The anger coalesced into an anti-establishment movement, backed with unprecedented outside funding from a Connecticut millionaire and supported by the area’s militia groups, that led to the recall of a longtime county supervisor in February. Behavior seen during that election prompted Allen’s office to make security changes, including tracking everyone who enters the facility.

During the primaries in June, when the school superintendent, district attorney and sheriff were on the ballot, a crowd of observers tried to intimidate county staff, Allen said, and someone installed a trail camera outside the office, seemingly intending to monitor election workers. The sheriff stationed deputies outside the office. After four of the candidates backed by the anti-establishment group lost outright – Allen beat her opponent and was re-elected to her fifth-term – the candidates requested a hand recount.

Shasta County is conservative and votes for Republicans but still. Fascism lost that election.

Cathy Allen, the County Clerk and registrar of voters who experienced the most hostility and faced threats on her life. She won with 68% of the vote.
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See all the fun you could have just by winning the house?

New evidence of Justice Alito's lies demonstrate need for DOJ investigation & impeachment inquiry
86,310 views Oct 27, 2022 The New York Times has reported that Samual Alito lied to the late Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy in meetings designed to convince the senator that Alito would not overturn Roe v. Wade if confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Alito's own words that the Roe decision represented an "abuse of judicial authority" and "Roe was egregiously wrong from the start" reveal that his testimony at his Senate confirmation hearing was untrue when he signaled his abiding respect for the "settled law" and the "important precedent" of Roe v. Wade.

This video discusses what steps must now be taken by both the Department of Justice and Congress when we become aware that a judge lied to Senate and, by extension, to the American people, concealing his determination, indeed burning desire, to revoke the constitutional privacy rights of women.
So someone broke into Pelosi's home and 'violently assaulted' her husband. He is currently hospitalized and expected to make a full recovery. -MSNBC